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Merge pull request #7 from santiweight/position-rework
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santiweight authored Oct 17, 2021
2 parents 315923d + b9ca8e1 commit e7f09a5
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Showing 2 changed files with 104 additions and 75 deletions.
132 changes: 96 additions & 36 deletions src/Poker/Game.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,60 +1,120 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- TODO fix exports
module Poker.Game where

#if MIN_VERSION_prettyprinter(1,7,0)
import Prettyprinter
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc
import Data.Data
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Poker.Cards
import Poker.Utils (enumerate)
import Prettyprinter

-- | A player's position in a game of poker.
-- Future iterations of this library will use a safer/less-hacky representation
-- for 'Position'
data Position = UTG | UTG1 | UTG2 | UTG3 | UTG4 | UTG5 | BU | SB | BB
newtype Position = Position Word8
deriving (Read, Show, Enum, Bounded, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)

instance Pretty Position where
pretty = viaShow

-- >>> allPositions
allPositions :: [Position]
allPositions = enumerate @Position
-- TODO fromIntegral should not allow construction of unsupport table size
-- TODO could be an enum? HeadsUp | Three | Four
-- TODO could be a ranged natural?
-- TODO name choice? TableSize?
newtype NumPlayers = NumPlayers Word8
deriving (Num, Enum, Eq, Ord, Real, Integral)

-- | Sort a list of positions according to preflop ordering
-- WARNING, TODO: This function does not yet handle heads-up appropriately
players2, players3, players4, players5, players6, players7, players8, players9 :: NumPlayers
players2 = NumPlayers 2
players3 = NumPlayers 3
players4 = NumPlayers 4
players5 = NumPlayers 5
players6 = NumPlayers 6
players7 = NumPlayers 7
players8 = NumPlayers 8
players9 = NumPlayers 9

mkNumPlayers :: Integral a => a -> Maybe NumPlayers
mkNumPlayers num | num >= 2 && num <= 9 = Just $ NumPlayers $ fromIntegral num
mkNumPlayers _ = Nothing

-- | 'Position's are ordered by table order. The first position in the list
-- is the first player to act preflop. The last position in the list is always
-- the big blind.
-- >>> allPositions 6
-- [Position 1,Position 2,Position 3,Position 4,Position 5,Position 6]
allPositions :: NumPlayers -> [Position]
allPositions (NumPlayers num) = Position <$> [1 .. num]

-- |
-- >>> positionToText 2 <$> allPositions 2
-- ["BU","BB"]
-- >>> positionToText 6 <$> allPositions 6
-- ["LJ","HJ","CO","BU","SB","BB"]
-- >>> positionToText 9 <$> allPositions 9
-- ["UTG","UTG1","UTG2","LJ","HJ","CO","BU","SB","BB"]
-- >>> sortPreflop $ [BB,BU,UTG1,SB,UTG,UTG2]
-- >>> sortPreflop [SB, BB]
-- [SB,BB]
sortPreflop :: [Position] -> [Position]
sortPreflop = fmap toEnum . sort . fmap fromEnum
-- TODO Pre-compute, via TH, Position -> Text maps for each NumPlayers, to avoid
-- extra runtime cost
positionToTxt :: NumPlayers -> Position -> Text
positionToTxt (NumPlayers num) (Position pos) =
let allPositionTexts = ["UTG", "UTG1", "UTG2", "LJ", "HJ", "CO", "BU", "SB", "BB"]
positionTexts = case num of
2 -> ["BU", "BB"]
num' | num' > 2 && num' <= 9 -> drop (9 - fromIntegral num') allPositionTexts
_ -> error $ "Unexpected NumPlayers value: " <> show num
in positionTexts !! (fromIntegral pos - 1)

-- >>> unsafePositionToText 2 <$> getPreflopOrder 2
-- ["BU","BB"]
-- >>> unsafePositionToText 6 <$> getPreflopOrder 6
-- ["LJ","HJ","CO","BU","SB","BB"]
-- >>> unsafePositionToText 9 <$> getPreflopOrder 9
-- ["UTG","UTG1","UTG2","LJ","HJ","CO","BU","SB","BB"]
getPreflopOrder :: NumPlayers -> [Position]
getPreflopOrder = allPositions

-- >>> buttonPosition 2
-- Position 1
-- >>> (\numPlayers -> positionToTxt numPlayers $ buttonPosition numPlayers) <$> [2..9]
-- ["BU","BU","BU","BU","BU","BU","BU","BU"]
buttonPosition :: NumPlayers -> Position
buttonPosition (NumPlayers wo) = case wo of
2 -> Position 1
_ -> Position (wo - 2)

-- >>> bigBlindPosition 2
-- Position 2
-- >>> (\numPlayers -> positionToTxt numPlayers $ bigBlindPosition numPlayers) <$> [2..9]
-- ["BB","BB","BB","BB","BB","BB","BB","BB"]
bigBlindPosition :: NumPlayers -> Position
bigBlindPosition (NumPlayers wo) = Position wo

-- >>> unsafePositionToText 2 <$> getPostFlopOrder 2
-- ["BB","BU"]
-- >>> unsafePositionToText 3 <$> getPostFlopOrder 3
-- ["SB","BB","BU"]
-- >>> unsafePositionToText 6 <$> getPostFlopOrder 6
-- ["SB","BB","LJ","HJ","CO","BU"]
-- >>> unsafePositionToText 9 <$> getPostFlopOrder 9
-- ["SB","BB","UTG","UTG1","UTG2","LJ","HJ","CO","BU"]
getPostFlopOrder :: NumPlayers -> [Position]
getPostFlopOrder num = take (fromIntegral num) . drop 1 . dropWhile (/= buttonPosition num) . cycle $ allPositions num

-- | Sort a list of positions acccording to postflop ordering
-- >>> sortPostflop $ [BB,BU,UTG1,SB,UTG,UTG2]
-- >>> sortPostflop $ [UTG, SB, BU]
-- [SB,UTG,BU]
-- >>> sortPostflop $ [UTG]
-- [UTG]
sortPostflop :: [Position] -> [Position]
sortPostflop =
fmap (toEnum . fromPostFlopOrder) . sort
. fmap
(toPostFlopOrder . fromEnum)
fromPostFlopOrder = flip mod numPositions . (+ (numPositions - 2))
toPostFlopOrder = flip mod numPositions . (+ 2)
numPositions = fromEnum (maxBound @Position) - fromEnum (minBound @Position) + 1
-- >>> unsafePositionToText 2 <$> sortPostflop 2 (allPositions 2)
-- ["BB","BU"]
-- >>> unsafePositionToText 3 <$> sortPostflop 3 (allPositions 3)
-- ["SB","BB","BU"]
-- >>> unsafePositionToText 6 <$> sortPostflop 6 (allPositions 6)
-- ["SB","BB","LJ","HJ","CO","BU"]
-- >>> unsafePositionToText 9 <$> sortPostflop 9 (allPositions 9)
-- ["SB","BB","UTG","UTG1","UTG2","LJ","HJ","CO","BU"]
sortPostflop :: NumPlayers -> [Position] -> [Position]
sortPostflop num ps = filter (`elem` ps) $ getPostFlopOrder num

data IsHero = Hero | Villain
deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
Expand Down
47 changes: 8 additions & 39 deletions test/Test/Poker/Game.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Test.Poker.Game where

import Data.List.Extra (enumerate)
Expand All @@ -11,42 +13,9 @@ import Test.QuickCheck

prop_sortPreflop :: Gen Bool
prop_sortPreflop = do
somePositions <- sublistOf $ enumerate @Position
shuffledPositions <- shuffle somePositions
pure $ sortPreflop shuffledPositions == somePositions

prop_sortPostflop :: Property
prop_sortPostflop = do
forAll (sublistOf postFlopPositions) $ \positions ->
forAll (shuffle positions) $ \shuffledPositions -> do
sortPostflop shuffledPositions == positions
postFlopPositions = [SB, BB, UTG, UTG1, UTG2, UTG3, UTG4, UTG5, BU]

spec_sortPositions :: SpecWith ()
spec_sortPositions = do
describe "sortPreflop" $ do
preflopCase "empty list" [] []
preflopCase "all positions" allPos allPos
"shuffled positions"
preflopCase "shuffled positions sublist" [BB, UTG, BU] [UTG, BU, BB]
describe "sortPostflop" $ do
postflopCase "empty list" [] []
postflopCase "all positions" allPos allPosPostflop
"shuffled positions"
postflopCase "shuffled positions sublist" [BB, UTG, BU] [BB, UTG, BU]
allPos = enumerate @Position
allPosPostflop = [SB, BB, UTG, UTG1, UTG2, UTG3, UTG4, UTG5, BU]
preflopCase = mkCase sortPreflop
postflopCase = mkCase sortPostflop
mkCase sorter name input expected =
it name $ sorter input `shouldBe` expected
spec_allPositions :: SpecWith ()
spec_allPositions = do
it "heads up all positions" $ (positionToTxt players2 <$> allPositions players2) `shouldBe` ["BU", "BB"]
it "3max all positions" $ (positionToTxt players3 <$> allPositions players3) `shouldBe` ["BU", "SB", "BB"]
it "4max all positions" $ (positionToTxt players4 <$> allPositions players4) `shouldBe` ["CO", "BU", "SB", "BB"]
it "9max all positions" $ (positionToTxt players9 <$> allPositions players9) `shouldBe` ["UTG","UTG1","UTG2","LJ","HJ","CO","BU","SB","BB"]

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