Progressive Web App (PWA) and API to keep track of server info and custom emojis.
The current production deployment has:
- Hosted as serverless functions.
- HTTP API Gateway endpoint access restricted with a Lambda authorizer [1].
- CORS enabled.
- Served through a CDN.
- Using edge locations in North America and Europe.
- Hosted as a secure static site [2] on object storage.
- Served through a CDN.
- CloudFront Function [3] to rewrite URIs that are meant to be handled by client-side routing.
- Content Security Policy for the response headers from the distribution.
- Using edge locations in North America and Europe.
- Route 53 for DNS with custom domain for web app and API endpoints with SSL.
- Infrastructure as Code.
npm install
npm run dev # start dev server
npm run build # build for production
npm run preview # locally preview production build
If you want to run it on a different port:
npm run dev -- --port 8000
Deploy to your AWS account with the AWS CLI e.g.
aws cloudformation package \
--region us-east-1 \
--template-file template.yaml \
--output-template-file packaged.template \
--s3-bucket $ARTIFACTS \
aws cloudformation deploy \
--region us-east-1 \
--stack-name $STACK \
--template-file packaged.template \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
--parameter-overrides DomainName=$DOMAIN SubDomain=$SUBDOMAIN HostedZoneId=$HOSTEDZONE
See more
The app was bootstrapped with Vite as the bundler and dev server and the React template:
npm create vite@latest name-of-your-project -- --template react
# follow prompts
cd <your new project directory>
npm install <your dependencies>
npm run dev
Icons created with Favicon Generator.
The service worker was generated with Vite Plugin PWA. It was used to:
- Generate the manifest.
- Configure the manifest with a link in the
of the app entry point. - Generate a service worker.
- Generate a script to register the sw. See here for details on the plugin options.
To install the plugin:
npm i vite-plugin-pwa -D