nlinks is an open sourced cli program which is used for finding the stauts of websites. You can use any files such as HTML, txt, srv, etc.
Few types of test files are given in the repository. All can be used seperately or you can use your own file.
Current version - ^0.1
npm i -g
nlinks [filename or commands]
Works with both Unix or Windows commands
Commands available (v0.1) >
* '--v, --version, /v' : Will show the version of the cli
* '--h, --help, /h' : Will open up list of params you can use
* '--f, --files, /f' : Will show the types of files the program can format
As this is an open source project, pull requests are very welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.