An openWhisk docker action written in scala which communicates with IBM cloudant database. It's using a docker container to spin off a scala container which downloads the action builds and invokes the function.
- openWhisk -
- openwhisk CLI
- java 1.8+
- scala 2.11.6+ and sbt 0.13
git clone
cd scala-cloudant-action/
Make sure you have IBM cloudant setup. Create a database and change credentials
username=<username> password=<password> host=<bluemix host> port=443 url=<url> dbname=<database that you just created> key=<key provided by the cloudant db server> passcode=<password>
sbt clean assembly
cd ../
and Run./ sanjeevghimire/scalaexample
Create the scala action using following script.
wsk action create --docker scalaexample sanjeevghimire/scalaexample
Invoke the action with necessary parameters:
wsk action invoke --blocking --result scalaexample --param cmd sendChat --param message ‘How are you?’
{ "chatTS": 1.485286534412e+12, "from": "openwhisk", "text": "I am good!", "to": "user" }
To get chat that you have sent use the following script:
wsk action invoke --blocking --result scalaexample --param command getChat
{ "chatSessionId": "ZozbiUPzWiy7xPhA", "sessionStart": 1.485286490545e+12, "text": [ { "chatTS": 1.485220172e+12, "from": "user", "text": "None", "to": "watson" }, { "chatTS": 1.485281432e+12, "from": "user", "text": "how are you?", "to": "watson" }, { "chatTS": 1.485220958e+12, "from": "user", "text": "hi", "to": "watson" }, { "chatTS": 1.485220894e+12, "from": "user", "text": "hi", "to": "watson" } ] }
* To update the Docker action, run to upload the latest image to Docker Hub. This will allow the system to pull your new Docker image the next time it runs the code for your action.
`./ sanjeevghimire/scalaexample`
`wsk action update --docker scalaexample scala/example`
# TroubleShooting
You can use the CLI to see the output logs to troubleshoot your code. Use the following script in a separate terminal to see the outputs.
`wsk activation poll`
# Reference links