Football is a billion dollar industry and one of the most popular sports in the world. Transfer season is the time period where a player has the right to move from one club to another. Durring this period, hefty amout of money is involved across different countries. Due to this, there are considerable ineffeiciencies surrounding cross-currency transactions and lack of financial transparency in the football industry. Blockchain Technology and Tokenisations has the potential to make this process more effecient.
Another Use Case : De Gea's Failed Transfer
This project is a set of smart contracts that enables the transfer of soccer players between one club to another durring the Transfer Market Season using Ethereum protocols. Each player added by a particular club has various attributes, that is represented by an ERC 721 token.
This project was developed for the Consensys Academy Developer Program Final Project.
Install the below pre requisites to get the app running
- NPM (
- Truffle verion 4.1.14
npm install [email protected]
( - Ganache (
- Metamask (
git clone
cd player_transfer-Dapp
npm install
Open Ganache that you downloaded and installed. This will start your local blockchain instance.
truffle migrate --reset
You must migrate the smart contract each time your restart ganache.
- Connect Metamask to the local Ethereum blockchain provided by Ganache.
- Import an account provided by Ganache.
npm run dev
Visit this URL in your browser: http://localhost:3000
- Start Ganache and open a new local blockchain instance
- Run
truffle test
Durring the transfer season, a club would wish to buy a new player or sell a player. The club owner logs into Dapp and registers his/her club using the clubname and the address of the club. To buy a player, the clubowner can view all the players in the transfer list. These players are added by other club using their respective club name and owner. On finding a desired player, the clubowner Requests an offer for the player with a new cost and the number of years in the contract. If the player's current club is satisfied by the new offer (mainly new cost), the player's current club can accept the offer. Once the player's current club has accepted the contract/offer, the clubowner is requested to Finalise the deal by transfering the appropriate offered value in ethers. In the same fashion, club owners can sell their player by adding the player's attributes(value,weekly wage,year's left). Interested clubs will offer new contract upon which it can be accepted if interested.
- Visit Football Transfer (Deployed using Heroku)
- Ensure you have a Metamask and Rinkeby account.
- To obtain Test ethers, visit (
- Voila! You can now register and buy your favourite Players.