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  • 1st step is to download the repo (Code > Download as ZIP / Github / Github Desktop / etc).
    • Place them into a single folder by extracting them, take note of where this folder is.
  • 2nd step is to run npm install inside the folder (cd folder to get to the folder first).
    • Make sure nodejs is on your PC, get it here:
    • Open a command terminal (cmd.exe on windows/terminal on mac/linux).
    • Type cd folder-path-here to open the folder.
    • Run npm install next after getting to the correct folder.
  • 3rd step is to put your private key exported from unisat at the top (Unisat > Account # > ... > Export > Hex Key).
    • The place to put it is inside index.ts, at the top of the file where it says YOUR PRIVATE KEY HERE.
    • Please use a fresh wallet, I don't want anyone asking if this is malicious (Spoiler, it isn't malicious but still...).
    • Be smart and only use automation on fresh wallets, it's not worth the risk any other way.
  • 4th step is to create a UTXO with 10.1 tBTC in it and get that txID (send yourself 10.1 tBTC and wait for confirm).
    • By sending your own account 10.1 tBTC you are creating a new unspent UTXO.
    • Copy the ID from unisat wallet after hitting send by clicking "show in explorer" under the checkmark.
    • The TX ID is the hash at the top, so copy that, add :0 to the end of it, and paste it into index.ts
  • 5th step is to uncomment transactionSplitterBasic(utxo).then(console.log);, put your UTXO above it, then run npx tsx index.ts
    • This is located at the bottom of index.ts, to uncomment them remove the // before the line of code.
  • 6th step is to wait for that TX to confirm and copy the output TX ID and recomment out this step.
    • You can track the progress by going to and pasting the TX_ID there.
  • 7th step is to put that tx ID in this line under step 1.5: splitSplitter("txid here"), then run npx tsx index.ts
    • This is located at the bottom of index.ts, to uncomment them remove the // before the line of code.
  • 8th step is to wait for all 200 of those TXNs to confirm and recomment out this step.
    • You can track the progress by copying one of those IDs and going to again.
  • 9th step is to uncomment all of the lines after 'step 2', so, the following:
    const filePath = 'output_txns.txt';
    // Create a readline interface
    const reader = readline.createInterface({
     input: fs.createReadStream(filePath),
     output: process.stdout,
     terminal: false
    // Listen for the 'line' event
    reader.on('line', (line) => {
     // Perform your action on the line here
     console.log(`Processing line: ${line}`);
    // Handle the 'close' event
    reader.on('close', () => {
     console.log('Finished reading the file.');
    Then run npx tsx index.ts
    • This is located at the bottom of index.ts, to uncomment them remove the // before the line of code.
  • 10th and final step is to run relayer_no_redis.ts using npx tsx relayer_no_redis.ts.
  • Good job, you did it.

Make sure to do the following if you're running this more than one time:

  • Rename or delete crafted-transactions.txt.
  • Rename or delete output_txns.txt
  • Re-comment out all the steps except the one you're running in index.ts.

You can edit the values that are sent to increase or decrease gas used. This is to send 200,000 transactions at ~15 sats/vb. By changing the values and numbers inside each of the commented lines, you can achieve different number of transactions, and different gas amounts. I won't get into detail on how to up the gas values, because it'd start a gas war... but if you're smart enough to figure it out, go nuts.

Full credit to I just made it do more txns, faster.

Additional files:

  • Python selenium bot which creates a new wallet, makes 5 new accounts, then attempts to swap.
  • Feel free to take this and extend it in any way you see fit. Works very well for automation.
  • The file is, take a look if you want.


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