Bed Leveler 5000 provides a simple method for paper and feeler gauge-free manual FDB bed leveling. No firmware, setting, configuration, or hardware changes are required to use Bed Leveler 5000.
- Paper and feeler gauge-free bed leveling
- No printer modifications or extra hardware required
- 3D bed mesh visualiations
- Does not lose, corrupt, or change existing mesh(es) on the printer
- Utility for adding new printer support
- Utility for testing and exploring G-code commands
- Bed Leveler 5000 Windows install video: Bed Leveler 5000 Windows installation
- Bed Leveler 5000 Klipper support video: Bed Leveler 5000 Klipper support
- Bed Leveler 5000 introduction video: Bed Leveler 5000
- Printer Info Wizard Klipper support video: Printer Info Wizard Klipper support
- Printer Info Wizard introduction video: Printer Info Wizard
- Inspector G-code introduction video: Inspector G-code
- Homepage:
Bed Leveler 5000 uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- PySide6 - The official Python module from the Qt for Python project
- Python - The Python programming language (3.12+)
- pylint - A static code analyser for Python 2 and 3
- Pillow - The friendly PIL fork
- GnuPG - A free implementation of the OpenPGP standard
Bed Leveler 5000, Printer Info Wizard, and Inspector G-code themselves are open source with a public repository on GitHub.
In the following directions, replace vX.X.X
with the desired version of Bed Leveler 5000.
- Download the BedLeveler5000-vX.X.X-windows-x86_64.7z file from the latest release at
- Extract the downloaded archive
- Launch BedLeveler5000.exe, PrinterInfoWizard.exe, or InspectorG-code.exe
Use of Ubuntu's Dark theme is not recommended.
- Configure the system
- Ensure brltty is not installed
sudo apt remove brltty
- Give the current user permissions to use serial ports
sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
- Reboot to ensure all changes take effect
- Ensure brltty is not installed
- Download the BedLeveler5000-vX.X.X-linux-x86_64.tgz file from the latest release at
- Extract the downloaded archive
- Launch BedLeveler5000, PrinterInfoWizard, or InspectorG-code
- Give the current user permissions to use serial ports
sudo dseditgroup -o edit -a "$(whoami)" -t user "wheel"
- Reboot to ensure changes take effect
- Download the BedLeveler5000-vX.X.X-macos-x86_64.tgz file from the latest release at
- Open a terminal
- Extract archive
tar xvf BedLeveler5000-vX.X.X-macos-x86_64.tgz
- Enter directory
cd BedLeveler5000-vX.X.X-macos-x86_64
- Add execute permissions
chmod +x BedLeveler5000 PrinterInfoWizard InspectorG-code PrinterTester
- Disable quarantine as the applications are unsigned
xattr -d -r .
- Run desired application
Bed Leveler 5000
Printer Info Wizard
Inspector G-code
Starting with version v0.4.0, releases are cryptographically signed with the GPG key 03E565C3F0C71CB2 and are fully automated.