Implementation of Hindsight Experience Replay with DQN
To implement HER we created a file which is a copy of baselines.deepq’s along with the following changes in the learn() function -
- Added a new parameter num_optimisation_steps which is the number of optimisation steps performed after every train_freq number of episodes.
- Made the input size of neural network double to incorporate goals along with state by changing in function make_obs_ph.
- Defined variables mean_100ep_max_reward and saved_mean_reward_diff for episode’s max reward and mean reward difference because in HER the goals and initial state change in each episode. So for determining if model is improving we see difference between max reward possible for episode and the reward agent actually got in that episode.
- Environment goal is concatenated with states and feed into function act(). It is also concatenated with states when storing in replay buffer.
- Defined a temporary buffer episode_buffer which stores all the transitions of the episode. Then at the end of the episode these transitions are concatenated with goal_prime (in our case final state reached in the episode) and stored in replay buffer.
We created a bit-flipper environment in openai gym format and used this algorithm on it. Check out our blog for more details