This project automates the verification of various restful api's of Restful-booker (
The following features are included,
- Integrated the TestNG framework as the execution framework to support the customization of the execution flow.
- Supports the BDD framework using cucumber.
- Supports the generation of reports using Allure Report.
- Includes sample code for mocking using Wiremock.
- Supports the use of static data configuration using Java Properties files and Java Owner Configuration files.
Covered Testcases,
- Assertion of response code
- Assertion of the response body contains String.
- Schema validation
Steps to run the project:
- Download and Run the Wiremock using command: java -jar wiremock-standalone-3.3.1.jar in a separate command line.
- Clone the project
- Run the command: mvn clean test
- To generate the report: mvn allure: serve