This is an extension of the native FoxDot interface for Atom and hence requires all the setup for the former project. See FoxDot's repository for installation and usage instructions.
This APM package is designed specifically for Genetic Algorithms (GA) in FoxDot. Two variants of GA are applied with FoxDot player objects. Each player object in it's current state is considered a genome and is evolved using 2 variants of the GA
Directed Evolution: Evolves a player
over a defined number of evolutions and population. In each generation, the fittest possible player is selected and played as the object moves towards the destination player. -
Novelty Search: Essentially a goal-less search, this variant allows the coder to mutate and direct the search to find new players around the source player
provided. In this, the coder is expected to rate the players with a positive or negative fitness and the algorithm executes every member of the population while doing so. To spawn
Stop FoxDot (cmd-e
) in order to start an evolution.
Stop FoxDot (cmd-z
) in order to stop an evolution.
Toggle FoxDot (cmd-up
) in order to start it.
Toggle FoxDot (cmd-e
) in order to start it.
Note: cmd
is replaced by ctrl
in Windows
Parameters for a directed search:
evolve(p1, p2, // source and destination
stepSize = 1, // quantization steps for values
lifetime = 1, // Generation update time in number of bars
population = 5 // Number of genomes in each generation
skipGenerations = 200, // play every 200th gen
evolutions = 3000, // number of evolutions
mutationAmount = 0.25, // probability of mutation
crossoverAmount = 0.7 // probability of crossover
interpolate = linvar // type of interpolation: linear, exp, sin, none
Currently the package is not published on
!. Instead to install the package manually,
- Navigate to .atom/packages and download this repository there
- type apm install in the terminal
- restart atom
This only works in the scope of python files. Start Supercollider FoxDot quark before toggling this package.
Toggle FoxDot (cmd-e
) in order to start evomusic in Atom.
An example of evolution from player p1
to p2
p1>>pluck([3,4,5],room=0.1, amp=0.2)
p2>>pluck([3,4,5],room=0.8, amp=0.5)
evolve(p1,p2) # Point cursor here and execute evolution with Cmd+E or Cmd+Z to Stop evolution
Generated code:
def evolve_p1_p2():
evolve_p1_p2() #Point cursor and stop evolution with cmd+z
########## Evolving from p1 to p2
Replace cmd
with ctrl
on Windows.
Binding | Command |
cmd-e |
Toggle |
cmd-enter |
Evaluate block(s) |
cmd-alt-enter |
Evaluate file |
alt-enter |
Evaluate line(s) |
cmd-. |
Clear clock |
cmd-e |
Evolve code |
cmd-c |
Stop evolution |