ROS2 MSYS2/MINGW64 port [Windows]
This is a Work In Progress.
The reasons :
I have had a look at actual windows port and it does not fit what I need and maybe some of other users.
When I want to use ROS2, I will setup a software, almost ready to use.
Since ROS has been developped mainly on unix environment, it sounds to me natural to use a similar environment to build it for windows.
Then, when it comes to use it most of utilities need python and their dependencies .
Most of python utilities should be packaged as executable and ready to use in windows environment.
Environment development in win10 The following steps must have been setted up before proceding
- Install a clean MSYS2 system.
- Run MINGW64 MSYS2 shell
by default symlinks are not enabled in msys2 environment You must at first enable it
This work is targetting ros2 rolling version
mkdir ros2_rolling
cd ~/ros2_rolling
mv -i ros2.repos ros2.repos.old
In order to be able to use colcon software to build package , it must be able to recognize bash shell in MSYS2 instead of powershell.
colcon_bash and colcon_powershell packages must be patched.
Once colcon has been patched, you can build packages using next commandline:
colcon --build --cmake-args -G"MSYS Makefiles"