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This is the "lightwallet" version of the defichain-maxi script. It has the same functionality but uses the ocean-api. Therefore no own server or full-node is needed. Best way to run it is as a lambda function on AWS. There you can define trigger to execute it every 10 minutes for example.

In general the script checks the provided vault, if the collateral ratio is above the threshold it takes loans in DUSD and the defined dToken so that the collateral ratio comes into the range. The minted tokens will be put into the LM pool to produce rewards. If the collateral ratio falls below the defined threshold, LM-tokens are removed from the pool and loans in the vault are payed back to get the ratio back within the wanted range. With this the vault produces optimized rewards on the collateral.

Script works only with bech32 adresses, but you can use Mnemonic seed (24 words) or privateKey (from fullnode)

Disclaimer / WARNING

Do not use this tool if you don't understand vaults on defichain. If you set the wrong parameter, you risk liquidating your vault and losing the whole collateral.

Of course, this is not financial advice! We do not take any responsibility for lost funds. Only invest money that you are willing to lose.


We are developing this thing in our free time. Noone is paying us for it. If you benefit from our work, it would be a nice gesture to give something back. Here are our DFI donation addresses:

@kuegi : df1qqtlz4uw9w5s4pupwgucv4shl6atqw7xlz2wn07

@Krysh90 : df1qw2yusvjqctn6p4esyfm5ajgsu5ek8zddvhv8jm

@DeFiPages : df1qa26988rj9xamw4tkanu7pthqshw6677vkasdg7

Usage as AWS lambda function

Build & preparing for upload

We recommend running it as a lambda on AWS. with reasonable settings (trigger every 10 minutes) you will even stay within the free tier of AWS.

to build it run in folder ocean-client:

npm i
npm run build --file=vault-maxi

Upload the file dist/ to AWS.


To run, the script needs parameters set in the AWS ParameterStore:


saved as a SecureString:


optional parameters (if you want telegram notifications)


Advanced usage

Besides having parameters in the AWS ParameterStore, there is the possibility to set environment variables on a AWS Lambda execution.

Currently following keys are respected with a small description on how they alter execution functionality


value: string

will be shown in the prefix of every telegram message. Meant to easily distinguish log messages of different bots


value: string

Extends name of following ParameterStore parameters with your value:


Example for value = -second


This will allow you to create a second lambda, with the code you built to run on a second address + vault


value: string

This value overwrites the default seed key parameter to another SecureString parameter, which is further used to initialise your wallet.


value: string possible values: "true", "false"

Enabled: keeps your address clean by using commissions (dust) to payback loans and adding liquidity to your pool-pair

Disabled: will not touch commissions (dust), only what is needed by default calculations


value: string

If provided, this overrides the url to be used as the ocean endpoint. default is "" , but you could use custom providers like mydefichain: ""


value: number possible values: loanScheme.minColRatio < x < loanSchemen.minColRatio * 2

DISCLAIMER - only use this variable if you really know what you do, as this might risk your vault getting liquidated without a proper warning message

There is a warning if too less LM tokens of configured token is available to safeguard your vault. This might be because of having other loans within the very same vault.

To avoid getting spammed, because this is a calculated risk from you, you can change this safety warning to a lower ratio.

Example: Vault with MIN150 => minColRatio = 150 Safety warning will be raised if paying back all configured LM tokens will result in a collateral ratio of below 300. Setting this value to 250, will raise this warning to below 250.

Usage as main module on local computer, VPS or docker container

Local Settings

The script check the environment variable AWS_EXECUTION_ENV, which is set inside AWS. If AWS_EXECUTION_ENV does not exist, local settings are used in the folder .vault-maxi in $HOME (linux) or %USERPROFILE% (Windows).

The last execution state is used from and written to state.txt or state%VAULTMAXI_STORE_POSTIX%.txt.

The settings are read from the file settings.json or settings%VAULTMAXI_STORE_POSTIX%.json.
If the file not exist, a new empty is created and the program stop with the error message "new empty config created: ... Enter your values before the next start. Set seedfile to an encrypted folder."

The only difference to the AWS parameter is

  "seedfile": "V:/store/vault-maxi-seed.txt",

which is the full path to a text file in an encrypted storage which contains the seed words in the first line.

If the environment variable VAULTMAXI_LOGID is not set, the app will set it to the hostname of the computer, which will be shown in the prefix of every telegram message.

Debug in VSCode

The debugging configuration is set in .vscode/launch.json:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "type": "pwa-node",
            "request": "launch",
            "name": "Launch Program",
            "skipFiles": [
            "program": "${workspaceFolder}\\src\\app.ts",
            "args": ["if not 'run', event argument with checkSetup: true is used "],
            "preLaunchTask": "tsc: build - tsconfig.json",
            "outFiles": ["${workspaceFolder}/out/**/*.js"],

If "args" is not ["run"], vault-maxi.main() is called with checkSetup: true for security reason.

The tsconfig.json is also used to compile with tsc to the output folder 'out'.

Set a breakpoint in app.ts with F9 and start debugging with F5.

Build an run

The function fs.rmSync in the build script need at least node version 14. However, all tests were performed with node version 16.

Download the windows installer (.msi) 64 bit from

In the debian 11 packet manager is inluded version 12.

First install the necessary repository:

curl -sL | sudo bash -

Install nodejs

sudo apt install nodejs

and check version.

node --version

To build one minified javascript file, run in folder ocean-client:

npm i
npm run build-app

which create index.js in folder ''.

Start the script with checkSetup:

node index.js   

Start the script with normal run:

node index.js run  

As an alternative, the individual files in folder 'out' can be used:

node app.js