clean up functionality
send multiple tx in one block to reduce timeout-risk
add check if enough LP-token and loans are available to reduce exposure to at least 2xminLoanScheme, otherwise send warning
reinvest functionality
use min(currentRatio,nextRatio) to anticipate next update
change telegram notification to prefix with
check for address in the wallet (not only first address) so that new address in wallet works
rules in CloudFormationTemplate to not allow empty address / vault
error handling: currently an error in the promises is not caught. should to a catch around everything in the main program. so we at least report the error. (not only in the log)
add telegram message on reinvest to remind user what they gained from using the bot and recommend donating some.
refactor to jellyfish
?use additional LMToken/loans in case that wanted dtoken is used up, but collateral still low and more LPTokens available
?recover from state
use getRemainingTimeInMillis() to avoid hardcut timeouts
check and handle empty vault
errorhandling in case the seedparameter is missing
add environment variable for log-id (to add to the telegram prefix to distinguish different bots in different regions)
make desktop bech32 adresses possible
add min/max value to log message
improve log on ocean-timeout
allow increase directly after reinvest (no wait for next trigger)
run script directly after clean up (timeout shouldn't be an issue, not to waist time for actions)
switch all calculations to BigNumber to prevent rounding error
remove all exposure on maxCollateralRatio < 0
retry send tx also on other ocean error. cause might be due to inconsistency in ocean
run lambda in loop to retry on timeout error
remove all exposure when vault is frozen
fallback values in case of wrong userinput (ranges)
reduce ocean calls (also less frequent check in waitForTx)
always safe waitingTx in state (also in case of error)
add current safety value to status log
do errorhandling (aka cleanup) also during halted vaults.
check handling of vault getting started on halted token (no valid active price)