BMI Calculator Project - Fall2016Swe573_Cem_Sanal in Bogazici University. You can find the project description from: Project Description
Documentation, tutorials, ... can be found on GitHub link See also my issues and my wiki.
I had to make a fresh start because I started to use Git Gui. After pushing with "Force Overwrite Existing Branch" option, I started again with the first commit.
Body Mass Index (BMI) is simply a guideline to track weight issues. It is a measurement of body fat based on weight. BMI calculation for females and males would differ. BMI is the amount of fat content in the body as related to height and weight. This is a way of measuring the fat content and muscle mass so that the person knows whether they are healthy or whether they can be prone to health problems like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, or even certain types of cancer.
Bugs, development issues, version information, future development issues could be tracked from the ChangeLog file. Change Log
.war file is ready! Installation information
BMI Calculator v0.22
Ongoing developemnts and completed developments are briefly described in 'Project Development Stages' issue.
Eclipse Neon IDE used developing software with using frameworks.
Java used to write the codes.
Apache Maven used for using different libraries with Java Spring.
Java based Spring Framework used to develop project with security. Spring Tool Suite - The Eclipse-based development environment for building Spring applications will be used.
JQuery used for writing smaller and better scripts and effects.
JQuery UI used for providing cool buttons and effects.
Bootstrap used to provide much cool buttons, and solves scalability issue for most devices.
A simple sidebar from BlackrockDigital used to create a cool menu in JSP pages.
MYSQL used as a database. MYSQL should be sufficient for that small scale project.
After researching some weeks, thanks to RoseIndia ,I learned Java Spring basics and started to write Java Spring codes. JSP is the default for front-end. However, I don't want to consume my time with struggling JSP requests and responses. I will try to integrate HTML instead of JSP into my Spring project. More technologies will be used connect the USDA database and insert gifs into the HTML pages later.
Mockups will give a representation of the product’s visual appearance. Mockups will focus mainly on the visual look of the product, but also hint at the basics of its functionality. These mockups will be shown to the stakeholder for early feedback. Mockups are created with the help of GIMP and paint.
Registered user
Admin User
- Registered user use case diagram.
Registered User Use Case Diagram
- Admin user use case diagram.
Sequence Diagrams
a.USDA API Data Fetching Sequence Diagram
Issues includes issues of the BMI Calculator Project. Standard issue types are in below:
Bug Configuration Duplicate Enhancement help wanted inform installation invalid large scale question research small-scale wontfix
Time tracking is done via RescueTime system. RescueTime tracks my performance and it really improves and gives me interesting results. It has a desktop app, and a browser add on. It tracks every process which user opens. Browser add on tracks the browser and it shows how much time do you work or waste. Moreover, if you use notepad++ or any other software to develop codes, RescueTime will understand and show how much time do you work. For example: Rescuetime 1,
After tracking myself with RescueTime, I entered the results into an excel sheet is updated to a ProjectLibre file as OpenProj. xlsx file won't be updated more. ProjectLibre file Historical development issues and future development issues could be tracked from the ProjectLibre file.
Project Wiki includes documentation and completed issues of the BMI Calculator Project.