this project is for my spacemacs configuration
git clone ~/.spacemacs.d
and remove your ~/.spacemacs files, don't forget to make a backup
enable python, c-c++, semantic, scope layers
enable auto-completion, markdown, shell, spell-checking, syntax-checking, imenu-list
for c-c++ autocompletion, you need clang installed c-c++ indent use linux style
disable https and use chinese mirrors
use random text banners
enable distinguish-gui-tab to use C-i and C-o jump in source code
auto resume last layouts when startup
maximized window at startup
enable line numbers
enable Delete whitespace while saving buffer
turn on fci-mode for 80 line ruler
set ispell use american dictionary
enable global indent guide mode
there is some tools in subdirectory such as win64
for windows, we need aspell for spell checking
pip install pylint for syntax-checking
in my PC, I need replaced the default anaconda-mode dependency jedi from version 0.10.* to version <0.9.0 such as 0.8.1 in $HOME/emacs.d/.cache/anaconda-mode/0.1.8
you can use SPC-f e D for diff with default one don't froget install diff tools, for me I use colordiff in msys2