CSED coursework project to create a financial tracker program in Java.
Database password: gfg64%43df3*f"A
username: admin
password: admin
UCanAccess-5.0.0 - used for the access database functionality, jars available at: http://ucanaccess.sourceforge.net/site.html. You will need ucanaccess jar and ALL dependencies. These can all be found in the download link
jfreechart-1.0.1 - used for the graphical capabilites in the analysis of user data, jars available at: https://sourceforge.net/projects/jfreechart/files/1.%20JFreeChart/1.0.1/jfreechart-1.0.1.zip/download?use_mirror=netcologne&download=. You will need 'jcommon-1.0.0.jar' and 'jfreechart-1.0.1.jar' ONLY.