Releases: samuelcolvin/aicli
Releases · samuelcolvin/aicli
v0.8.0 2024-06-12
v0.7.0 2023-12-08
What's Changed
- update to openai 1.0 by @davidhewitt in #8
- uprev 118a1ce
New Contributors
- @davidhewitt made their first contribution in #8
Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.7.0
v0.6.0 2023-10-31
- add multiline prompt support, 46721be
Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.6.0
v0.5.0 2023-10-14
What's Changed
- Cleaner code examples by @samuelcolvin in #6
- add argument parsing by @samuelcolvin in #7
Full Changelog: v0.4.1...v0.5.0
v0.4.1 2023-10-11
- fix console width 1295811
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.4.1
v0.4.0 2023-10-03
- add support for "show markdown" command to print returned markdown 34bdbf1
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.4.0
v0.3.0 2023-09-14
What's Changed
- allow cancel in stream by @samuelcolvin in #2
- auto-suggestion history by @juftin in #3
- Video in Readme by @samuelcolvin in #4
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.3.0
v0.2.0 2023-09-14
What's Changed
- add streaming output by @samuelcolvin in #1
Full Changelog: