A solver for the game "Blackjack Math"
Let's say we have the following level:
J + -6 - A
3 + -A
Create a list of the numbers and letters contained in the level e.g.
numbers = ['J',-6,'A','3','-A'] # You can list the numbers as a string or as an integer
Then create a list of the operators used in each of the expressions in the level e.g.
# First expression 11 + 3 - 10
# Second expression -6 + -11
o = [['+','-'],['+']]
In case of more than one expression then pass the join operator e.g.
# J + -6 - A
# - # <- join operator
# 3 + -A
join_op = ['-']
Then pass it to the solver
solve(n, o, 21, join_op)
You can also pass constants to the solver: constants -> tuple of constants to be insert and after which char. (e.g if constants is [("2",")",1)] then the number "2" will be inserted after the first ")") constant_op -> operator that precedes the constant
solve(n, o, 21, join_op)
Let's try an example with constants. If we have the equation
A -K -9
/ [/6]* - [4*]+ +
8 -3 -7
The numbers between "[]" are constants which we can not move. First we make a list of the number and of each operator in the expressions, as well as the operators that join the expression:
n = ['A',8,'-K',-3,-9,-7]
o = [['/'],['-'],['+']]
join_op = ['*','+']
We then list the constants giving their position and their operators. In this case we woulde do it like this:
c = [(6, 1), (4, 2)]
c_op = ['/', '*']
We then run the following line to solve the problem: