A Helm chart for Elasticsearch deployment on Kubernetes. Elasticsearch is an open source, RESTful search engine built on top of Apache Lucene and released under an Apache license. It is Java-based and can search and index document files in diverse formats.
Static configs for a production grade elasticsearch deploy on kubernetes.
master nodes:
- 3 node statefulset
- if scaled, need to update quorum information
data nodes:
- 3 node statefulset
- scale at will
master node (each):
- 4GB
- 1/2 CPU (500m)
data nodes (each):
- 4GB (first knob to turn up for performance reasons. Do not exceed 31GB, the jvm breaks down)
- 1/2 CPU (500m)
- 20GB of disk (this should be increased greatly for production use)
helm repo add cnct https://charts.migrations.cnct.io
helm repo update
helm install cnct/elasticsearch-chart --name=es-test --namespace=logging --debug --set security.password="mlnpass"
This deployment is meant for use with Elasticsearch curator to manage indices. See the chart and container for more information.