Matlab implementation of the Fair Lloyd algorithm introduced in "Socially Fair π-Means Clustering" paper. Read the full paper at
Description of the folders and files:
- Folder "Fair Lloyd": this folder contains all the main functions.
-- bSearch : computing fair centers using a binary search (section 2.2)
-- compCost : computing fair or vanilla k-means cost of a clustering (based on the value of isFair variable)
-- fairPCA: the fair PCA projection of the data to featureNum dimensions. For details of the fairPCA code, please look at
-- findCenters: given a clustering of the data, computers vanilla or fair centers (based on the value of isFair variable)
-- findClustering: given k centers, find the vanilla or fair clustering (based on the value of isFair variable)
-- giveRandCenters: initializes k random centers
-- kmeansCost_S_C: given a set of clusters and a set of arbitrary centers (centers might not be the average of clusters), calculate the kmeans cost
-- Lloyd: Lloyd algorithm. Choose the best among bestOutOf different center initializations. numIters is the number of iteartions for each center initialization.
-- LoadData: oads the datasets that we are using in our experiments. For description of the datasets please refer to section 4 (compasWB was ultimately not used, ignore it)
-- mainK: Lloyd's versus Fair Lloyd for number of clusters = k.
-- mw: multiplicative weight update algorithm. Used in fair PCA.
-- normalizeData: normalize the mean and standard deviation of the data
-- optApprox: the optimal rank d PCA approximation of matrix M. Used in fair PCA.
-- preProcessEductaionVector: converts the education vector for the credit dataset to high-educated and low-educated.
-- projectData: projects the high dimensional data into numFeatures dimension either using PCA or fair PCA. Referred to as pre-processing in section 4.
-- re: Calculate the reconstruction error of matrix Y with respect to matrix Z. Used in fair PCA.
- Folder "plotsCode": this folder contains the specific codes for plotting the results.