Sami Badra
CS 310, Spring 2014
Assignment #3
Copyright 2015 Sami Badra. All Rights Reserved
##Description This assignment required an implemention of my own Red-Black (balanced) binary search tree to store GENERIC data types. Furthermore, the "Word" class is the datatype to be stored/searched for in the tree. The TimingTests class shall read from a text file, and store all of the words from the file, into the binary search tree, while stil maintaining a complexity of O(1) for adding/searching. It will analyze and print the total time elapsed (millisec) to add 'N' words to the tree, as well as the average time (nanosec) to search for a word in the tree.
NOTE BEFORE RUNNING: In '', replace the strings being used to construct Words a-j. Change these to strings that are actually in the text file that it is reading the words from, so that it searches for words that are actually in the tree.
##Lessons Learned
- After completing this project, I am much more experienced in the concepts of data structures - especially (of course) with Binary Search Trees.
- I became MUCH more efficient with my debugging skills, as I was tasked with solving numerous bugs in the code since I started it.
- I also learned a lot about how to work with Generic data types, and how to use the compareTo() method to implement generics.