Node.js wrapper for the Github Search API.
The Github Search API lets you use queries to find information regarding users, repos, issues and code. The wrapper lets you query data using a JSON object instead of a query string, and get data asynchronously as you would expect with a Node.js module.
Run npm install github-search-api
from your terminal in the directory of your Node.js app.
Here's an example of searching for a user called 'tom' who has more than 42 repos and more than 1000 followers.
var GithubSearcher = require('github-search-api');
var github = new GithubSearcher({username: '<username>', password: '<password>'});
var params = {
'term': 'tom',
'repos': '>42',
'followers': '>1000'
github.searchUsers(params, function(data) {
Instantiating the GithubSearcher requires your Github username and password because they are needed to send authenticated HTTP requests.
The params variable can be either a string (formatted as the Github Search API requires) or a JSON object with keys that are parameters listed on the Github Search API page (https://developer.github.com/v3/search/). The 'term' key is an additional feature, that should hold the term you are searching for.
Use >, <, = for defining a range when using numbers.
The callback in every method of the GithubSearcher only returns one value, the JSON results returned from Github.
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