Descriptive stat metrics for stream barriers. Creates Functional networks
- Merge output from multiple scenarios
- Residual effects
- Identify closest US/DS barriers
Requires shapefiles. Can't use GDB.
- Shapefile tolerance is an issue. Before starting, import to GDB, then re-export to Shapefile in order to get around shapefile intolerance issues.
- Data should be in a projected, meter-based coordinate system, not geographic system.
Coordinate system must be in meters, unique polylines. Will calculate from/to nodes unless already present. Single channel networks, + connected.a
- Create a scenario
- requires .shp
- polyline id's must be unique
- require from/to nodes (NHD+ should already have these, but good practice to recalculate them)
- Regions, (HUC4 is usually good, and respect watershed boundaries.)
- No loops, and no multi-threaded sections. (Braids need to be removed...)
- Data preparation
- Prebuild and share some of these networks?
- NHD+ has been completed at the 100k scale. NHDH+ (24K) currently in the works. **Jed uses the 24k.**a
- Snap points. Set tolerance low, (1, 2m)
- Core Metrics - distance, up/down barriers, connected lengths, absolute/relative gains for fish, & barrier densities
- Outputs
- Prioritize barriers
- Describe watershed connectivity/fragmentation
Spatial join centroids to the functional networks.