This web application is intended to display restaurents that are near to the user, and allows the user to have a set of favorites.
The following link contains a live demo and to any further updates:
Ruby on Rails -- server-side framework
MongoDB -- NoSQL database
Bootstrap -- CSS Framework
Import the BSON file to the local collection
$ mongorestore --drop -d rabat_shops_development -c shops <file path>
To make sure the connection has been establsihed run Rails Console to call the Shop class methods
$ bundle install
$ rails c
Loading development environment (Rails 5.2.3)
> Shop.collection
=> #<Mongo::Collection:0x70181725138340 namespace=nearby_shops_development.shops>
> Shop.collection.find.count
=> 341
> Shop.all.first
=> {"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('5a0c6711fb3aac66aafe26c7'), "picture"=>"", "name"=>"Canopoly", "email"=>"[email protected]", "city"=>"Rabat", "location"=>{"type"=>"Point", "coordinates"=>[-6.77404, 33.80354]}}
To run on the browser run on the root folder of the project
$ rails s
Go to the following URL: