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Getting blames right for free func
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sakehl committed Nov 17, 2023
1 parent 6aaca9d commit feede95
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Showing 6 changed files with 140 additions and 42 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/col/vct/col/ast/Node.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ final case class Select[G](condition: Expr[G], whenTrue: Expr[G], whenFalse: Exp
final case class NewObject[G](cls: Ref[G, Class[G]])(implicit val o: Origin) extends Expr[G] with NewObjectImpl[G]
final case class NewArray[G](element: Type[G], dims: Seq[Expr[G]], moreDims: Int, initialize: Boolean)(val blame: Blame[ArraySizeError])(implicit val o: Origin) extends Expr[G] with NewArrayImpl[G]
final case class NewPointerArray[G](element: Type[G], size: Expr[G])(val blame: Blame[ArraySizeError])(implicit val o: Origin) extends Expr[G] with NewPointerArrayImpl[G]
final case class FreePointer[G](pointer: Expr[G])(val blame: Blame[InvocationFailure])(implicit val o: Origin) extends Expr[G] with FreePointerImpl[G]
final case class FreePointer[G](pointer: Expr[G])(val blame: Blame[PointerFreeError])(implicit val o: Origin) extends Expr[G] with FreePointerImpl[G]
final case class Old[G](expr: Expr[G], at: Option[Ref[G, LabelDecl[G]]])(val blame: Blame[LabelNotReached])(implicit val o: Origin) extends Expr[G] with OldImpl[G]
final case class AmbiguousSubscript[G](collection: Expr[G], index: Expr[G])(val blame: Blame[FrontendSubscriptError])(implicit val o: Origin) extends Expr[G] with AmbiguousSubscriptImpl[G]
final case class SeqSubscript[G](seq: Expr[G], index: Expr[G])(val blame: Blame[SeqBoundFailure])(implicit val o: Origin) extends Expr[G] with SeqSubscriptImpl[G]
Expand Down
28 changes: 27 additions & 1 deletion src/col/vct/col/origin/Blame.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -548,7 +548,33 @@ sealed trait PointerSubscriptError extends FrontendSubscriptError
sealed trait PointerDerefError extends PointerSubscriptError
sealed trait PointerLocationError extends PointerDerefError
sealed trait PointerAddError extends FrontendAdditiveError
case class PointerNull(node: Expr[_]) extends PointerLocationError with PointerAddError with NodeVerificationFailure {
sealed trait PointerFreeError extends FrontendInvocationError

case class PointerOffsetNonZero(node: Expr[_]) extends PointerFreeError with NodeVerificationFailure {
override def code: String = "ptrOffsetNonZero"
override def descInContext: String = "Free can only be called on pointers which are allocated and are at the start of the pointer block."
override def inlineDescWithSource(source: String): String = s"Pointer in `$source` cannot be freed due to invalid pointer block."

case class PointerInsufficientFreePermission(node: Expr[_]) extends PointerFreeError with NodeVerificationFailure {
override def code: String = "ptrFreePerm"
override def descInContext: String = "Not enough permission to free the whole pointer block."
override def inlineDescWithSource(source: String): String = s"Pointer in `$source` cannot be freed due to insufficient permission."

case class GenericPointerFreeError(node: Expr[_]) extends PointerFreeError with NodeVerificationFailure {
override def code: String = "ptrFreeError"
override def descInContext: String = "Pointer block cannot be freed."
override def inlineDescWithSource(source: String): String = s"Pointer in `$source` cannot be freed."

case class PointerInsufficientFreeFieldPermission(node: Expr[_], field: String) extends PointerFreeError with NodeVerificationFailure {
override def code: String = "ptrFreeFieldError"
override def descInContext: String = s"Not enough permission to free the whole pointer block, since we miss permission for field `$field`"
override def inlineDescWithSource(source: String): String = s"Pointer in `$source` cannot be freed."

case class PointerNull(node: Expr[_]) extends PointerLocationError with PointerAddError with PointerFreeError with NodeVerificationFailure {
override def code: String = "ptrNull"
override def descInContext: String = "Pointer may be null."
override def inlineDescWithSource(source: String): String = s"Pointer in `$source` may be null."
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/col/vct/col/typerules/CoercingRewriter.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -231,7 +231,6 @@ abstract class CoercingRewriter[Pre <: Generation]() extends AbstractRewriter[Pr
case node: IterVariable[Pre] => node
case node: CDeclaration[Pre] => node
case node: CDeclarator[Pre] => node
case node: CDeclaration[Pre] => node
case node: CDeclarationSpecifier[Pre] => node
case node: CTypeQualifier[Pre] => node
case node: CPointer[Pre] => node
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/col/vct/col/util/AstBuildHelpers.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -472,6 +472,11 @@ object AstBuildHelpers {
case SplitAccountedPredicate(left, right) => Star(foldStar(left), foldStar(right))

def foldPredicate[G](exprs: Seq[Expr[G]])(implicit o: Origin): AccountedPredicate[G] = exprs match {
case x :: Seq() => UnitAccountedPredicate(x)
case x :: xs => SplitAccountedPredicate(UnitAccountedPredicate(x), foldPredicate(xs))

def foldOr[G](exprs: Seq[Expr[G]])(implicit o: Origin): Expr[G] =
exprs.reduceOption(Or(_, _)).getOrElse(ff)
71 changes: 49 additions & 22 deletions src/rewrite/vct/rewrite/EncodeArrayValues.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package vct.col.rewrite

import hre.util.FuncTools
import vct.col.ast.{Expr, _}
import vct.col.rewrite.error.ExtraNode
import vct.col.origin._
import vct.col.resolve.lang.Java
import vct.rewrite.lang.LangCToCol.UnsupportedStructPerm
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,6 +55,20 @@ case object EncodeArrayValues extends RewriterBuilder {
case other => throw Unreachable(s"Invalid invocation failure: $other")

case class PointerFreeFailed[G](free: FreePointer[G], errors: Seq[Expr[G] => PointerFreeError]) extends Blame[InvocationFailure] {
override def blame(error: InvocationFailure): Unit = error match {
case PreconditionFailed(path, _, _) => blame_searcher(path, errors)
case other => throw Unreachable(s"Invalid invocation failure: $other")

def blame_searcher(path: Seq[AccountedDirection], errors: Seq[Expr[G] => PointerFreeError]): Unit = (path, errors) match {
case (Seq(FailLeft), e :: _) => free.blame.blame(e(free.pointer))
case (Seq(FailRight), _ :: e :: _) => free.blame.blame(e(free.pointer))
case (FailRight :: pathTail, _ :: errorsTail) => blame_searcher(pathTail, errorsTail)
case _ => throw Unreachable(s"Invalid invocation failure for free")

case class EncodeArrayValues[Pre <: Generation]() extends Rewriter[Pre] {
Expand All @@ -67,12 +80,13 @@ case class EncodeArrayValues[Pre <: Generation]() extends Rewriter[Pre] {

val pointerArrayCreationMethods: mutable.Map[Type[Pre], Procedure[Post]] = mutable.Map()

val freeMethods: mutable.Map[Type[Post], Procedure[Post]] = mutable.Map()
val freeMethods: mutable.Map[Type[Post], (Procedure[Post], FreePointer[Pre] => PointerFreeFailed[Pre])] = mutable.Map()

def makeFree(t: Type[Post]): Procedure[Post] = {
def makeFree(t: Type[Post]): (Procedure[Post], FreePointer[Pre] => PointerFreeFailed[Pre]) = {
implicit val o: Origin = freeFuncOrigin
var errors: Seq[Expr[Pre] => PointerFreeError] = Seq()

val proc = globalDeclarations.declare({
val (vars, ptr) = variables.collect {
val a_var = new Variable[Post](TPointer(t))(o.where(name= "p"))
Expand All @@ -96,18 +110,29 @@ case class EncodeArrayValues[Pre <: Generation]() extends Rewriter[Pre] {
requires (\forall* int i; 0 <= i && i < \pointer_block_length(ptr); Perm(ptr[i], write));
(and recurse for struct fields)
var requiresT: Seq[(Expr[Post], Expr[Pre] => PointerFreeError)] =
(ptr !== Null(), (p: Expr[Pre]) => PointerNull(p)),
(PointerBlockOffset(ptr)(FramedPtrBlockOffset) === zero, (p: Expr[Pre]) => PointerOffsetNonZero(p)),
(makeStruct.makePerm(i => PointerLocation(PointerAdd(ptr, i.get)(FramedPtrOffset))(FramedPtrOffset),
IteratedPtrInjective), (p: Expr[Pre]) => PointerInsufficientFreePermission(p))
var requires = (ptr !== Null()) &*
(PointerBlockOffset(ptr)(FramedPtrBlockOffset) === zero) &*
makeStruct.makePerm(i => PointerLocation(PointerAdd(ptr, i.get)(FramedPtrOffset))(FramedPtrOffset))
requires = if (!typeIsRef(t)) requires else {
requires &* makeStruct.makeUnique(access)
makeStruct.makePerm(i => PointerLocation(PointerAdd(ptr, i.get)(FramedPtrOffset))(FramedPtrOffset),
requiresT = if (!typeIsRef(t)) requiresT else {
// I think this error actually can never happen, since we require full write permission already
requiresT :+ (makeStruct.makeUnique(access), (p: Expr[Pre]) => GenericPointerFreeError(p))
// If structure contains structs, the permission for those fields need to be released as well
val permFields = t match {
case t: TClass[Post] => unwrapStructPerm(access, t, o, makeStruct)
case _ => Seq()
requires = if (permFields.isEmpty) requires else requires &* foldStar(permFields)
requiresT = if (permFields.isEmpty) requiresT else requiresT ++ permFields
val requiresPred = foldPredicate(
errors =

blame = AbstractApplicable,
Expand All @@ -117,12 +142,11 @@ case class EncodeArrayValues[Pre <: Generation]() extends Rewriter[Pre] {
outArgs = Nil,
typeArgs = Nil,
body = None,
requires = UnitAccountedPredicate(
requires = requiresPred,
decreases = Some(DecreasesClauseNoRecursion[Post]())
)(o.where("free_" + t.toString))
(proc, (node: FreePointer[Pre]) => PointerFreeFailed(node, errors))

def makeFunctionFor(arrayType: TArray[Pre]): Function[Post] = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -235,19 +259,23 @@ case class EncodeArrayValues[Pre <: Generation]() extends Rewriter[Pre] {

def unwrapStructPerm(struct: Variable[Post] => Expr[Post], structType: TClass[Post], origin: Origin, makeStruct: MakeAnns, visited: Seq[TClass[Post]] = Seq()): Seq[Expr[Post]] = {
def unwrapStructPerm(struct: Variable[Post] => Expr[Post], structType: TClass[Post], origin: Origin,
makeStruct: MakeAnns, visited: Seq[TClass[Post]] = Seq()): Seq[(Expr[Post], Expr[Pre] => PointerFreeError)] = {
if (visited.contains(structType)) throw UnsupportedStructPerm(origin) // We do not allow this notation for recursive structs
implicit val o: Origin = origin
val blame = PanicBlame("Cannot Fail")

val fields = structType match {
case TClass(ref) => ref.decl.declarations.collect { case field: InstanceField[Post] => field }
case _ => Seq()
val newFieldPerms = => {
val loc = (i: Variable[Post]) => Deref[Post](struct(i), member.ref)(blame)
var anns = Seq(makeStruct.makePerm(i => FieldLocation[Post](struct(i), member.ref)))
anns = if(typeIsRef(member.t)) anns ++ Seq(makeStruct.makeUnique(loc)) else anns
val loc = (i: Variable[Post]) => Deref[Post](struct(i), member.ref)(DerefPerm)
var anns : Seq[(Expr[Post], Expr[Pre] => PointerFreeError)] =
Seq((makeStruct.makePerm(i => FieldLocation[Post](struct(i), member.ref), IteratedPtrInjective),
(p: Expr[Pre]) => PointerInsufficientFreeFieldPermission(p, member.toInlineString)))
anns = if(typeIsRef(member.t))
anns :+ (makeStruct.makeUnique(loc), (p: Expr[Pre]) => GenericPointerFreeError(p))
else anns
member.t match {
case newStruct: TClass[Post] =>
// We recurse, since a field is another struct
Expand All @@ -260,9 +288,8 @@ case class EncodeArrayValues[Pre <: Generation]() extends Rewriter[Pre] {

case class MakeAnns(i: Variable[Post], j: Variable[Post], size: Expr[Post], trigger: Expr[Post], triggerUnique: Seq[Expr[Post]]){
def makePerm(location: Variable[Post] => Location[Post]): Expr[Post] = {
def makePerm(location: Variable[Post] => Location[Post], blame: Blame[ReceiverNotInjective]): Expr[Post] = {
implicit val o: Origin = arrayCreationOrigin
val blame = PanicBlame("Already checked")
val zero = const[Post](0)
val body = (zero <= i.get && i.get < size) ==> Perm(location(i), WritePerm[Post]())
Starall(Seq(i), Seq(Seq(trigger)), body)(blame)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -306,7 +333,7 @@ case class EncodeArrayValues[Pre <: Generation]() extends Rewriter[Pre] {
(PointerBlockLength(result)(FramedPtrBlockLength) === sizeArg.get) &*
(PointerBlockOffset(result)(FramedPtrBlockOffset) === zero)
// Pointer location needs pointer add, not pointer subscript
ensures = ensures &* makeStruct.makePerm(i => PointerLocation(PointerAdd(result, i.get)(FramedPtrOffset))(FramedPtrOffset))
ensures = ensures &* makeStruct.makePerm(i => PointerLocation(PointerAdd(result, i.get)(FramedPtrOffset))(FramedPtrOffset), IteratedPtrInjective)
ensures = if (!typeIsRef(elementType)) ensures else {
ensures &* makeStruct.makeUnique(access)
Expand All @@ -316,7 +343,7 @@ case class EncodeArrayValues[Pre <: Generation]() extends Rewriter[Pre] {
case _ => Seq()

ensures = if (permFields.isEmpty) ensures else ensures &* foldStar(permFields)
ensures = if (permFields.isEmpty) ensures else ensures &* foldStar(

blame = AbstractApplicable,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -345,8 +372,8 @@ case class EncodeArrayValues[Pre <: Generation]() extends Rewriter[Pre] {
case free @ FreePointer(xs) =>
val newXs = dispatch (xs)
val TPointer(t) = newXs.t
val freeFunc = freeMethods.getOrElseUpdate (t, makeFree(t))
ProcedureInvocation[Post](freeFunc.ref, Seq (newXs), Nil, Nil, Nil, Nil) (free.blame)(free.o)
val (freeFunc, freeBlame) = freeMethods.getOrElseUpdate (t, makeFree(t))
ProcedureInvocation[Post](freeFunc.ref, Seq (newXs), Nil, Nil, Nil, Nil) (freeBlame(free))(free.o)
case other => rewriteDefault(other)
Expand Down
75 changes: 58 additions & 17 deletions test/main/vct/test/integration/examples/CSpec.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,24 +16,65 @@ class CSpec extends VercorsSpec {
vercors should fail withCode "assignFieldFailed" using silicon in "cannot access field of struct after freeing" c
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct d{
int x;
struct d{
int x;
struct e{
struct d s;
int x;
struct e{
struct d s;
int x;
int main(){
struct e* a = (struct e*) malloc(1*sizeof(struct e));
a->s.x = 1;
struct d* b = &(a->s);
b->x = 2;
int main(){
struct e* a = (struct e*) malloc(1*sizeof(struct e));
a->s.x = 1;
struct d* b = &(a->s);
b->x = 2;

vercors should fail withCode "ptrNull" using silicon in "free null pointer" c
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(){
int* xs;

vercors should fail withCode "ptrOffsetNonZero" using silicon in "free null pointer" c
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(){
int* xs = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*3);

vercors should fail withCode "ptrFreePerm" using silicon in "free pointer with insufficient permission" c
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(){
int* xs = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*3);
//@ exhale Perm(&xs[0], 1\2);
vercors should fail withCode "ptrFreeFieldError" using silicon in "free pointer with insufficient permission for field" c
#include <stdlib.h>
struct d{
int x;
int main(){
struct d* xs = (struct d*) malloc(sizeof(struct d)*3);
struct d* ys = (struct d*) malloc(sizeof(struct d)*3);
//@ exhale Perm(xs[0].x, 1\2);

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