Object Based modern fortran library
In GNU Octave, functions such as dlmread and dlmwrite can be used to read text files. The mod_io.f90 is a module that simulates the behavior of these functions.
mod_doubly_linkedlist.f90 is a doubly linked list module which can list up any data types.
Basically, there are no other dependencies since it is written only in fortran. It can be used by compiling and linking the f90 file under src.
If you uses a CMake to build and install this libraries, Doxygen will help you to create the manual as well.
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fortran type(t_dfstats)
is the type which contains double precision 2-dimensional array xx.
Once you read data from file using dlmread
routine, you can use array as a drived type components.
For example you can use t_dfstats
type like below.
program main
use io
implicit none
integer :: i
type(t_dfstats) :: a ! data is read into this type :: a%xx
! Input data from file
call a%dlmread("test.dat",comment="#",sep=" ",skip=3) ! read data
call a%showhead() ! show headdings
do i=1,size(a%xx(:,1))
print *,a%xx(i,:)
! Output data to file
call a%dlmwrite("output_test.dat",sep=":")
end program
Detail example is shown in the app/test_doubly_linkedlist.f90
program usage5()
use iso_fortran_env
use doubly_linkedlist
implicit none
type(t_list) :: list !linked list data type
type(t_elementptr) :: as_array
procedure(list_sort_func) :: sortfun
integer :: i,n
! generate new list
do i=1,n
call list%append(i)
end do
print *, "Before sort"
call list%showall()
call list%sort(sortfun)
print *, "After sort"
call list%showall()
function sortfun(one,two,passdata)result(res)
class(*),intent(in) :: one,two
class(*),intent(in),optional :: passdata
logical :: res
select type(one)
type is(integer)
select type(two)
type is(integer)
if(one>two) res=.true.
end select
end select
end function
end subroutine