Releases: safe-global/safe-deployments
Releases · safe-global/safe-deployments
What's Changed
- feat: add 1.4.1 canonical contracts for Swell Mainnet by @ElvisKrop in #895
- feat: add 1.3.0 canonical contracts for Swell Mainnet by @ElvisKrop in #894
- feat: add 1.3.0 eip155 contracts for Swell Mainnet by @ElvisKrop in #896
- add Metal Blockchain to v1.4.1 deployments by @MlennGarien in #897
- Update address for chain id 300 by @akshay-ap in #899
- Bump Version to v1.37.20 by @github-actions in #900
New Contributors
- @MlennGarien made their first contribution in #897
Full Changelog: v1.37.19...v1.37.20
What's Changed
- feat: add 1.4.1 canonical contracts for Plume Devnet by @eyqs in #881
- Bump Version to v1.37.19 by @github-actions in #883
- feat: add kakarot sepolia network by @ajimeno04 in #885
- Add 1.4.1 contracts for Haust testnet by @UrfinDeuce in #886
- feat: add 1.4.1 canonical contracts for Plume by @eyqs in #882
- feat: add Nahmii 3 mainnet(4061) by @gr4yha7 in #869
- Add Odyssey Testnet with Canonical Safe contracts by @zlog-in in #887
- feat: filecoin calibration 1.4.1 migration contracts by @msvstj in #888
- Add safe smart contracts for Kaia Mainnet by @praveen-kaia in #889
New Contributors
- @ajimeno04 made their first contribution in #885
- @UrfinDeuce made their first contribution in #886
- @praveen-kaia made their first contribution in #889
Full Changelog: v1.37.18...v1.37.19
What's Changed
- feat: add 1.4.1 canonical contracts for Swell Testnet by @ElvisKrop in #876
- Bump Version to v1.37.18 by @github-actions in #878
- feat: filecoin migration contracts by @msvstj in #874
- feat(review): add debug logging for parsed options to aid in troubleshooting by @mmv08 in #879
- feat: add 1.3.0 canonical contracts for Swell Testnet by @ElvisKrop in #875
- feat: add 1.3.0 eip155 contracts for Swell Testnet by @ElvisKrop in #880
- RPC Taken from
directly by @remedcu in #873
Full Changelog: v1.37.17...v1.37.18
What's Changed
- feat: add 1.3.0 contracts for Ink Sepolia by @leonimella in #861
- Bump Version to v1.37.16 by @github-actions in #868
Full Changelog: v1.37.15...v1.37.16
What's Changed
- feat: add 1.3.0 canonical contracts for Morph Holesky by @ElvisKrop in #858
- chore: add OORT testnet by @molecula451 in #860
- feat: add story odyssey 1.4.1 contracts by @leonimella in #863
- feat: add story odyssey 1.3.0 contracts by @leonimella in #862
- Deployment Automation by @remedcu in #865
- Bump Version to v1.37.15 by @github-actions in #866
- feat: add 1.4.1 contracts for Asset Chain Testent by @narteysarso in #864
- Fix Release Script Draft Creation by @nlordell in #867
New Contributors
- @narteysarso made their first contribution in #864
Full Changelog: v1.37.14...v1.37.15
What's Changed
- feat: game7 testnet 1.4.1 by @msvstj in #842
- feat: add game7 mainnet 1.4.1 version contracts by @msvstj in #843
- Feat: add ver 1.3.0 safe-contracts on Zero Network Testnet by @alfredolopez80 in #846
- Add Story Iliad Testnet by @DenSmolonski in #839
- Delay between checks by @remedcu in #847
- Add ApeChain addresses by @joescherping in #830
- feat: add 1.4.1 contracts on viction by @vickyvickydev in #840
- feat: add citrea testnet 1.4.1 version contracts by @kkirkov in #851
- feat: add polygon cardona 1.4.1 version contracts by @kkirkov in #854
- feat: add celo alfajores 1.4.1 version contracts by @kkirkov in #853
- feat: add 1.3.0 eip155 contracts for Morph Mainnet by @ElvisKrop in #855
- feat: add 1.3.0 canonical contracts for Morph Mainnet by @ElvisKrop in #857
- feat: add 1.4.1 contracts for Morph Mainnet by @ElvisKrop in #856
- feat: add manta sepolia 1.4.1 version contracts by @kkirkov in #852
- feat: add 1.3.0 zksync contracts for new Cronos zkEVM Testnet by @ElvisKrop in #849
- Bump Version to v1.37.14 by @github-actions in #859
New Contributors
- @joescherping made their first contribution in #830
- @vickyvickydev made their first contribution in #840
- @kkirkov made their first contribution in #851
Full Changelog: v1.37.13...v1.37.14
What's Changed
- feat: add everclear 1.3.0 addresses by @DenSmolonski in #816
- feat: add everclear testnet 1.3.0 by @DenSmolonski in #815
- feat: add vana testnet by @DenSmolonski in #814
- Add Bahamut network by @fastexlabs in #818
- chore: add chain OORT Mainnet by @molecula451 in #813
- Update Metis add canonical deployments by @t0mcr8se in #819
- Add contracts v1.4.1 to Japan Open Chain Mainnet by @0xcuonghx in #823
- Add contracts v1.4.1 to Japan Open Chain Testnet by @0xcuonghx in #824
- feat: add 5ireChain mainnet by @dung5ire in #825
- Bump Version to v1.37.12 by @github-actions in #829
New Contributors
- @fastexlabs made their first contribution in #818
- @molecula451 made their first contribution in #813
- @dung5ire made their first contribution in #825
Full Changelog: v1.37.11...v1.37.12
What's Changed
- Adds Shape Mainnet by @leonimella in #811
- Adds Shape Sepolia Testnet by @leonimella in #810
- Migration Contract Deployment for 480 by @remedcu in #812
- Bump Version to v1.37.11 by @github-actions in #817
Full Changelog: v1.37.10...v1.37.11