An easy to use CheckBox/Radio button component for iOS, with Attributes inspector support.
- Xcode 10+
- Swift 5
- iOS 9+
source ''
platform :ios, '9.0'
target '<Your Target Name>' do
pod 'GDCheckbox'
pod install
Drag GDCheckbox.swift
to your project!
override func viewDidLoad() {
let checkbox: GDCheckbox = GDCheckbox()
// Background color of the box
checkbox.baseColor = UIColor.white
// In case of check box, determine the animation duration of the check mark
checkbox.animationDuration = 1.0
// Determine if check mark should fill with animation
checkbox.shouldAnimate = false
// Color of the check mark / fill area -- no matter if isCurcular is on or off
checkbox.checkColor =
// Width of the check mark / fill area -- no matter if isCurcular is on or off
checkbox.checkWidth = 3.0
// Color of container border. If shouldFillContainer is set to true, container background also will be override with this color when CheckBox / Radio Button is selected.
checkbox.containerColor =
// Determine if container should be filled when selected
// Note: if set to true, it will override `baseColor` when control is selected
checkbox.shouldFillContainer = false
// Border width of container view
checkbox.containerWidth = 5.0
// Determine if it's a check box or a radio button
checkbox.isRadioButton = false
// Determine container shpae type for selected state
// For CheckBox -> Check mark when true or square when false
// For RadioButton -> Check mark when true or circle when false
checkbox.showCheckMark = false
// Set default state of the control
checkbox.isOn = false
@IBAction func onCheckBoxPress(_ sender: GDCheckbox) {
let state = sender.isOn ? "ON" : "OFF"
// Trigger action