Welcome to Turtix, an adventure game developed with C++ and the SFML library. In this game, you control a character (Turtix) as they navigate through various levels and obstacles. This is an early version of the game, showcasing basic gameplay elements.
- Control Turtix through different terrains.
- Collect items and navigate obstacles.
- Interact with objects and explore the environment.
- SFML Library: Make sure you have the SFML library installed (version 2.5 or higher is recommended).
- Clone or download this repository.
- Navigate to the project directory.
- Compile the code using the provided Makefile:
- Arrow Keys: Move Turtix
- Space: Jump
- main.cpp: Game entry point.
- Turtle.hpp / Turtle.cpp: Core character logic.
- Map.hpp / Map.cpp: Map and level design.
- Picture/: Directory containing game assets (images).
- Maps/: Directory with map files.