A tool for importing pages from old-jazel to rocket-jazel CMS.
React App Steps:
- Install 'Create-React-App' package
- Create Components
- Create Actions
- Install 'Redux'
- Install 'React-Redux'
- Build Actions
- Build Reducers
- Create Store -> (index.js) -> Import createStore from 'redux' -> const store = createStore(reducer);
- Connect the Reducers to your app using 'Provider' from react-redux -> (index.js) -> Import Provider from 'react-redux' ->
- Connect the Actions to your app using 'connect' -> (app.js) -> Import 'connect' from 'react-redux' -> export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(App) -> mapStateToProps - takes in a state and returns an updated object as props -> mapDispatchToProps - takes in a dispatch and returns an object of actions mapped through dispatch