A frontend developer specializing in building functional web applications. Interested in the entire frontend spectrum and working on ambitious projects with positive people.
I started my journey in 2018. As well as work I also continued to keep learning and exploring new technologies for updating myself. I've made myself more efficient and productive. I love to learn new technologies and work on them. I have strong working skills with React.js, Redux, and JavaScript in Building functional UI for both smaller and larger projects.
const sabbirzzaman = {
pronouns: "he" | "him",
code: ["JavaScript", "TypeScript", "HTML", "CSS"],
askMeAbout: ["web dev", "tech", "music", "coffee"],
technologies: {
frontEnd: {
framework: ["react.js", "next.js", "redux"],
css: ["tailwind", "bootstrap", "SASS", "material ui"]
backEnd: {
js: ["firebase", "node.js", "express.js", "mongodb"]
CMS: "WordPress"