MessagePack for Elm (0.18).
Alpha. All core funtionality + bugs
The binary support in Elm (0.18) is currently weak. However, there is a work-a-round for receiving binary data directly over HTTP as string. The backend needs to send the data with 'Content-Type' set to 'text/plain; charset=x-user-defined'.
MDN - Receiving binary data in older browsers
An Elixir/Phoenix based backend is provided for development/testing and as an example. Also, a simple separate frontend app in Elm demonstrates the usage of elm-msgpack.
* Eralng OTP/Elixir 20.x/1.5.x
* Phoenix 1.3
* cd backend
* mix deps.get
* cd backend/assets
* npm install
* cd frontend
* elm-package install
* cd backend
* iex -S mix phx.server
* localhost:4444