Copy terraform.tfvars from sample and fill all variables in terraform.tfvars
cp terraform.tfvars.sample terraform.tfvars
These commands will create k3s cluster.
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
After these commands. Terraform will download these files.
/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml to ./data/k3s.yaml and /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/node-token to ./data/node-token
export KUBECONFIG=`pwd`/data/k3s.yaml
kubectl get nodes
You can be able to see details via this command.
terraform output
if you want to use cloudflare dns module. Please uncomment all lines related to Cloudflare in and terraform.tfvars files.
This command will create id_rsa and file in ./data directory.
sh files/