The Examples for training UGATIT in Google Colab with using PyTorch
- colab/ - Sample ipynb files for training or mobile model conversion
- train_example.ipynb - The template of training UGATIT models
- models/ - UGATIT networks (used in Colab files)
- Copy train_example.ipynb to your Google Drive storage.
- Prepare datasets and put them in the storage too.
- Open train_example.ipynb and fill in necessary informations (ex. the path to datasets in your storage).
- Modify others (ex. hyper parameters) if you need.
- Execute blocks of code in order and start training (trained models are saved in the storage).
There are two examples for PyTorch-Mobile(android) and coreML(ios).
- Copy the sample file for mobile model conversion to your Google Drive storage.
- Open the file and fill in necessary informations (ex. the path to trained models in your storage).
- Modify others if necessary and execute blocks of code in order.
- Copy the sample file for quantization to your Google Drive storage.
- Open the file and fill in necessary informations (ex. the path to the mobile model in your storage).
- Modify others if necessary and execute blocks of code in order.
PyTorch objects in models/ has been modified from