PHP code to determine which reality (Server OS and web app versions) the app is running in (yeah... it's a play on Rick and Morty)
From Azure CloudShell, run the following (you may see a
error... this is expected):git clone --branch i01 cd which-reality az webapp up --runtime PHP:8.1 --sku B1 --os linux
Acquire URL for web app.
az webapp list --query [].defaultHostName --output tsv
WARNING! This assumes you only have this ONE web app. Tear down manually in the Azure Portal if you have other web apps as this may destroy those as well!
Acquire the resource group that was automatically created for this web app.
RESOURCE_GROUP=$(az webapp list --query [].resourceGroup --output tsv)
Delete the resource group.
az group delete --name $RESOURCE_GROUP
From GCP CloudShell, connect your GCP account and follow the prompts to login:
gcloud account login
Now, run the following commands:
git clone --branch i01 cd which-reality gcloud app deploy
If prompted to Authorize Cloud Shell, click AUTHORIZE.
When prompted to continue, type
. -
When finished, run the following to retrieve your app's URL:
gcloud app browse
- Go here and disable the application: