A Promise-based Lending Club API for NodeJS
This example code will get the entire batch of new listings and purchase a $25.00 note for each loan that matches our filter.
const LC = require('lc-api');
const lc = new LC(credentials.apiKey, credentials.investorId);
lc.loans.getNewListings().then(newLoans => {
return newLoans
.filter(loan => ['A', 'B', 'C'].indexOf(loan.grade) !== -1)
.map(loan => loan.createOrder(25.00));
}).then(orders => lc.account.submitOrders(orders));
You will find your API key on the bottom of your account page
You will find your account number right below the Annualized Return box on your summary page
npm install lc-api
These docs are generated from inline documentation.
Represents LendingClub's /Loans
Get a list of all listed loans open for funding.
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Loan>>
, loans
Get a list of loans open for funding that were added in the last batch of listed loans.
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Loan>>
, loans
Represents LendingClub's /accounts
Get the account summary.
Returns: Promise.<Object>
, accountSummary
Get the amount of available cash in the account.
Returns: Promise.<Number>
, availableCash
Get a list of the account's currently pending transfers.
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Object>>
, pendingTransfers
Get a list of the account's owned notes with less detail.
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Object>>
, myNotes
Get a list of the account's owned notes with more detail.
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Object>>
, myDetailedNotes
Get a list of the account's portfolios.
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Object>>
, myPortfolios
Cancel pending or recurring transfers by Id.
transferIds: Array.<Number> | Number
, A TransferID or
an Array of TransferIDs.
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Object>>
, cancellationResults
Initiate a one-time transfer of funds from the account's linked bank account into the account. If no date is specified, the transfer will be started immediately.
amount: Number
, Amount of cash to transfer to the account.
startDate: Date
, An optional Date representing a time in the
future to execute this transfer.
Returns: Promise.<Date>
, estimatedFundsTransferDate - A Date returned
from the LC server representing the estimated date and time this
transfer will execute.
Set up a recurring transfer of funds from the account's linked bank account into the account. If no date is specified, the transfers will be started immediately.
NOTE: Currently, only one recurring transfer can be set up at a time. The server will reject this action if the account already has a recurring transfer.
frequency: Enum
, How often to transfer into the account.
Valid Options are:
amount: Number
, Amount of cash to transfer to the account.
startDate: Date
, An optional Date representing a time in the
future to begin executing this recurring transfer.
endDate: Date
, An optional Date representing a time after
(startDate || now) to terminate the recurring transfer.
Returns: Promise.<Date>
, estimatedFundsTransferDate - A Date returned
from the LC server representing the estimated date and time this
recurring transfer will begin executing.
Withdraw an amount of available funds from the account and into the associated bank account.
https://www.lendingclub.com/developers/add-funds.action (See bottom)
amount: Number
, Amount of cash to withdraw from the account.
Returns: Promise.<Date>
, estimatedFundsTransferDate - A Date returned
from the LC server representing the estimated date and time the
withdrawal will be executed.
Add a new portfolio to the account.
portfolioName: String
, A name for the new portfolio.
portfolioDescription: String
, An optional description for
the new portfolio.
Returns: Promise.<Number>
, portfolioId
Submit a set of orders for new notes.
orders: Array.<Order>
, An array of orders to be submitted
for purchase.
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Object>>
, orderConfirmations