The purpose of this role is to set up new project folders and automate the generation of source files. The projects it creates are intended to be developed in a Mac OS X environment using VirtualBox and Vagrant. In addition to setting up project folders, the generator also installs all development tools and settings on the local machine.
- Homebrew
- SublimeText
- VirtualBox
- Vagrant
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Dropbox
- NodeJS
- dev
- git
- nodejs
- vagrant
- webapp
- docker
The dev scaffold sets up a new project folder along with basic project files, including:
- .editorconfig
- .gitignore
The npm scaffold sets the following files and runs npm install
- package.json
- .jshintrc
Runs git init
, establishes a remote git repository, and runs git commit
Sets a basic Vagrantfile.
Creates a full-stack node.js app
The only pre-requisites are a development machine running OS X >= v10.8 and Ansible >= v1.7. The generator will attempt to install additional dependencies.
From the ansible-generator folder, run:
ansible-playbook -i hosts main.yml --ask-sudo-pass
A series of prompts will appear guiding through the generation of a project scaffold.