Open Source Android app for finding your way back to a previously visited location using GPS coordinates.
Imagine visiting a town, going to an event or doing some hiking. When finished, you have to find your car again, or the way to the station, or any other point where you started. Store a location when you start your trip, and at the end of the day, use the app to find your way back to where you started.
More info on the website.
- determine location based on GPS signal, WiFi or cell phone network :
- use best/most accurate location provider
- get location updates automatically (based on a time interval or change of location) or
- get location on demand (by manually refreshing)
- save current location as destination
- add a destination with manual coordinates
- ‘get back’ mode : indicator pointing to a stored location (showing distance and direction)
- indicate current speed and current bearing
- use built-in sensors to get more accurate and quicker updated bearing
- a compass rose that points to the North
- detect travel direction and adjust relative direction to destination accordingly
The latest version is available on F-Droid. Install the apk directly from the F-Droid website, or use the F-Droid app to keep automaticaly up to date with future releases.
If you want to try out the latest development version, you can get the code from the git repository and build the current development version yourself.
Please report bugs and add feature requests in the Github issue tracker.
Requests for translations to a new language can be made here as well.
You can help translating the app to your own language :
Is your language not listed? Follow the instructions on the New translation tab in Weblate.
Code documentation of all classes and their methods can be found here.
- From the Action Bar Icon Pack, see
- origin :
- license : Apache 2.0
- Method FormatUtils.formatDist() is based on method formatDist in class MixUtils that is part of mixare
- origin :
- license : GPLv3+
- This script was originally written by Xiaohao Ma in the aws-mock project and modified by Ben Limmer. See script file for more details.
- license : Apache 2.0
- Based on scripts/remove-incomplete-mo of the phpMyAdmin project
- origin :
- license : GPLv2
Crouton library
- version : v1.8.1
- website :
- license : Apache 2.0
Getback GPS for Android was made possible by many contributers and sponsors, see Credits.
Copyright (C) 2012-2021 Dieter Adriaenssens [email protected] Copyright (C) 2019 Timotheus Constambeys Copyright (C) 2022 Jan Scheible
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see