AttenDex This repository contains a simple C program for managing student attendance. The program allows you to perform various operations including adding students, displaying attendance, generating warning letters, and more.
User-friendly Interface: The program provides an intuitive menu-based interface for easy navigation. Admin and Student Login: Supports both admin and student login for secure access to the system. Add Students: Admins can add students by providing their name, PRN, total lectures, and days attended. Display Attendance: View a list of students along with their PRN and attendance percentage. Generate Warning Letters: Automatically generate warning letters for students with attendance below 75%. Edit Attendance: Admins can edit a student's attendance record. Display Statistics: View total students, total attendance, and average attendance.
Clone the Repository: git clone
Select '1' to log in as an admin or '2' to log in as a student. Admin username and password are both 'admin'. Follow the on-screen instructions to perform various operations.