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A clean way to run your containerised tests





testImplementation 'de.theitshop:testcompose:${version}'


testcompose accepts a yaml config file ideally placed in the resource folder and named testcompose-bootstrap witih the appropriate yaml or yml extension. One can also use a differently named config file, and provide it to the constructor call of the RunContainers class.

# With the testcompose-bootstrap.yaml file 

RunContainers runContainers = new RunContainers();

# With a differently named file

String configFileName = "some-config-file-name.yml";
RunContainers runContainers = new RunContainers(configFileName);

The config could contain any number of services with the opening tag services. E.g

  - name: database
    image: "postgres:13"
    command: ""
      POSTGRES_USER: postgres
      POSTGRES_DB: postgres_db
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password
      - 5432
      log_line_regex: ".*database system is ready to accept connections.*"
      log_line_regex_occurrence: 1
  - name: application
    image: "python:3.9"
    command: "/bin/bash -x /"
      DB_URL: "${{database.postgres_user}}:${{database.postgres_password}}@${{database.container_hostname}}:5432/${{database.postgres_db}}"
      KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS: "${{kafka.container_hostname}}:9092"
      KAFKA_OFFSET_RESET: "earliest"
      KAFKA_TOPIC: "test_kafka_topic"
      - 8000
      - host: "docker-test-files/"
        container: "/"
        mode: "ro"
        source: "resources"
      - host: "docker-test-files/"
        container: "/"
        mode: "ro"
        source: "resources"
      log_line_regex: ".*Application startup complete.*"
      log_line_regex_occurrence: 1
      http_port: "8000"
      response_status_code: 200
      end_point: "/ping"
      - database
      - kafka

Allowed Service Config Parameters

  • name: the name of the service. This is alos the hostname of the service within the current test network.
  • image: The docker image full url as specified in its registry - docker hub or private registry. Note that when using a private docker registry, TestContainer expects you to already login into the registry before attempting to start the container as it does not ask the user to provide registry login details.
  • command: This sets the command that should be run in the container on Container startup. To run a command after a container is verified to be running, use the exec_command_after_container_startup option instead.
  • environment: A set of environment variables for the container. A special usage of the environment variables in the config file is to be able to reference the properties of other services in the environment variables of other services. As an example, the application service above references properties from the database service specified in the DB_URL environment variable. i.e.
DB_URL: "${{database.postgres_user}}:${{database.postgres_password}}@${{database.container_hostname}}:5432/${{database.postgres_db}}"

The placeholder is of two sections => serviceName.environmentVariable
i.e. ${{database.postgres_user}}
The environment variable `postgres_user` could be optained from the service `database`
  • exposed_ports: Ports to be exposed to the host. Note that the exposed ports to be specified are the container ports to be exposed to the host and not the host ports. TestContainer maps random host ports to the exposed container ports.
  • volumes: A list of files/directories to be mounted in the container. A typical representation is as below:
  - host: "some-directory-name/some-file.txt"
    container: "/some-file.txt"
    mode: "ro"
    source: "resources"

    host -> holds the path to the file/directory on the host system 
    container -> path in the container the file/directory should be mounted
    mode: access mode of the file/dorectory 
    source: hint on where the mounted files/direcotries could be found

The source can be either of resources or filesystem. For volume sources specified as resources, the full path of the host file need not be specified. The file is expected to be found in the application resource directory. A FileNotFoundException is raised if specified files are not found. Volume sources specified as filesystem requires that the full path of the host file/directory need to be provided.

The volume access mode could be either of ro or rw.

  • log_wait_parameters: Allows users to specify regexes that could be found in the container log during startup. The container will be exited if the provided log line regex is not found in the container log. The log_line_regex_occurrence specifies the number of times the provided regex should appear in the container log.
  • http_wait_parameters: Similar to the log_wait_parameters but allows the users to specify and http endpoint rather than checking container logs for regex entries. This allows the users to inspect the response of specified http endpoints to determine if containers were properly started or not.
  • depends_on: Specifies a list of services that must be started before starting the current service.
  • exec_command_after_container_startup: Sometimes it might be necessary to run a set of commands having ensured the container had been correctly started. This entry allows users to run command after a successful startup of containers. E.g.
  - name: change_kafka_advertised_listener_config
    command: >-
      kafka-configs --alter
      --add-config advertised.listeners=["BROKER://${{self.container_host_alias}}:9092","PLAINTEXT://${{self.container_host_address}}:${{self.external_port_9093}}"]

This accepts a list of commands identified by a unique name and command. It's worthy of note that the commands are passed to the docker container as an array split by spaces. If a command contains words that should not be split, such words should be quoted either by single or double quotes. Placeholder variables could also be used in exec_command_after_container_startup as shown above.

  • test_containers_module: This is a special entry in the config that allows the usage of a ready-made TestContainer modules. The Philosophy of the testcompose library is to allow users bring their own containers and allow for very low level tuning of their integration test services using mainly the GenericContainer implementation of the TestContainers library. Sometimes it might be a lot easier to leverage the work already done in the TestContainers library, hence the need for this in the config. E.g.
  module_name: KafkaContainer
      external: true
      connection_string: "${{zookeeper.container_hostname}}:${{zookeeper.zookeeper_client_port}}"

At the moment, only the Kafka module of the TestContainers is supported in this section. Also; note that placeholder variables could be used like in environment in the entries.

Placeholder variables:

The following placeholder variables could be used when specifying any given service in the config file.

  • self : refers to the current service name.
  • container_hostname: refers to the hostname of the target container. e.g ${{zookeeper.container_hostname}} would yield the zookeeper service/application container hostname.
  • external_port: This refers to the port exposed to the host of the container. TestContainers usually exposes random ports to the host. i.e. if for a postgres service the port 5432 is to be exposed to the host, TestContainers will use a completely random port on the host. This placeholder variable will allow the user make use of this port without knowing it upfront. For the described example of the postgres service exposing the port 5432 this will be specified in the config file as external_port_5432
  • container_host_alias: This is used to obtain a container network alias as derived from container.getNetworkAliases().get(0) using the TestContainer API.
  • container_host_address: This provides the external host address of the container as seen from the host the container runs on. This is obtained from container.getHost() . To obtain the appropriate host of a service, it is advisable to use the result of this in together with the result obtained from the external_port placeholder variable to construct the full container external url.