Fluent Bit RethinkDB output plugin written in Golang
- You need to first compile Fluent Bit from source with Golang support as mentioned here. It is quite possible that the binary you have installed already has support for accepting a binary plugin as a parameter. You can check that by running the following:
$ fluent-bit -h
Usage: fluent-bit [OPTION]
Available Options
-b --storage_path=PATH specify a storage buffering path
-c --config=FILE specify an optional configuration file
-d, --daemon run Fluent Bit in background mode
-D, --dry-run dry run
-f, --flush=SECONDS flush timeout in seconds (default: 1)
-C, --custom=CUSTOM enable a custom plugin
-i, --input=INPUT set an input
-F --filter=FILTER set a filter
-m, --match=MATCH set plugin match, same as '-p match=abc'
-o, --output=OUTPUT set an output
-p, --prop="A=B" set plugin configuration property
-R, --parser=FILE specify a parser configuration file
-e, --plugin=FILE load an external plugin (shared lib)
-l, --log_file=FILE write log info to a file
-t, --tag=TAG set plugin tag, same as '-p tag=abc'
-T, --sp-task=SQL define a stream processor task
-v, --verbose increase logging verbosity (default: info)
-Z, --enable-chunk-traceenable chunk tracing. activating it requires using the HTTP Server API.
-w, --workdir set the working directory
-H, --http enable monitoring HTTP server
-P, --port set HTTP server TCP port (default: 2020)
-s, --coro_stack_size set coroutines stack size in bytes (default: 12288)
-q, --quiet quiet mode
-S, --sosreport support report for Enterprise customers
-V, --version show version number
-h, --help print this help
You should have an -e
option available to load an external plugin as a binary.
- In the root of the directory, run
go build -buildmode=c-shared -o out/fluentbit-go-rethinkdb.so
This will generate the binary for the plugin that can now be loaded while running fluent-bit
fluent-bit --plugin=./out/fluentbit-go-rethinkdb.so -c fluent-bit.conf
The project contains an example fluent-bit.conf
file explaining the configuration supported by the plugin
Name fluentbit-go-rethinkdb # Name of the plugin. DO NOT CHANGE!
Match * # This will read everything coming from the input without any filters
ConnectionUri localhost:28015 # RethinkDB connection URL
Database logs # RethinkDB DB name
TableName cpu # RethinkDB Table name
LogKey log # Each record is read as a map[string]any and this key is used to read the log data from the map
- Input log line after running tail