To Do List with a ReactJS UI that allows users to input "To Do" items with due dates, and a backend which saves previous to-do items, and backend services which returns all past to-dos, displays them in the UI, and allows for the user to query previous to-dos.
- Personalized About Page providing brief explanation of app and background about creator
- Takes in and displays items, validates no duplication
- Displays the date and time of item addition
- Allow users to mark items as complete, and removes completed items from list
- Provide the due date for the task, and change the color of overdue tasks
- Express application (Backend), with connection between backend and frontend and json file representing database of to-dos
- POST request to submit data to a json file
- Backend service to handle a GET request to return all todo lists
- Backend service to handle a GET request to return todo lists that match the name sent as a parameter to this request
- Front-end call the back-end service to get all todo lists currently stored when a user opens the Home page
- UI components in the front-end to facilitate searching stored items
Have NodeJS and npm installed then run the following commands in the terminal:
npm install
npm start