Using the SHA512 checksums supplied here, we have verified that all gems match at least one third-party mirror or excluding gems that have been yanked.
Gems that have been yanked are not installable with rubygems or bundler.
Using rubygems_verify.rb 11798 gems were found with 2 or fewer checksums from third-party mirrors or caches, again excluding gems that have been yanked.
These can be found in unverified.2_or_fewer_checksums.txt
All the gems with 2 or fewer checksums are pre-release versions according to:
ruby -ne 'gets =~ /-(.*?)\.gem/; puts $_ unless $1 =~ /[a-zA-Z]' \ unverified.2_or_fewer_checksums.txt
This finds the gem version and checks it for any alphabet character. If it contains any alphabet character it is a pre-release.
- rubygems-sha512.S3.txt
Checksums from’s S3 repository
- rubygems-sha512.automated_labs.txt
Automated Labs mirror checksums
- rubygems-sha512.bluebox.txt
Blue Box mirror checksums
- rubygems-sha512.google3rd.txt
Google third-party depot checksums
- rubygems-sha512.google_ghost.txt
Google “ghost” repository checksums
- rubygems-sha512.heroku.txt
Heroku application caches checksums. This is not a mirror so there are some gems from git here.
- rubygems-sha512.sj26.txt
The Conversation ( mirror checksum provided by Samuel Cochran from 17 Nov 2012
- rubygems-sha512.stevenhaddox.txt
Steven Haddox’s local gems checksums
- rubygems-sha512.swift.txt
AT&T mirror checksums from 26 Nov 2012
- rubygems-sha512.tao.txt
RubyGems china mirror checksums. Contains some corrupt gems
- rubygems-sha512.terrcin.txt
NZ Railscamp mirror checksums provided by Nahum Wild (@terrcin)
RubyGems tokyo mirror checksums
- rubygems-sha512.yorickpeterse.txt
Yorick Peterse gem checksums
* Mark was using `puf(1)`, `grep(1)` and similar tools. * Most of the scripts raggi used can be found in the `raggi/` subdirectory.