Gcardvault is a command-line utility which exports all of a user's Google Contacts in vCard/VCF format for backup (or portability).
- Automatically discovers all of a user's contacts
- Downloads them in vCard/VCF format and saves them to disk for archival
- Optionally manages version history for each contact in an on-disk "vault" (a git repo under the covers)
- Can be run via Docker image (multi-arch) or installed directly as a Python package with command-line interface
- Uses Google's Identity Provider to authenticate (via OAuth2/OIDC)
- Uses Google's People API to discover a user's contacts
- Uses Google's CardDAV endpoints to download vCard/VCF contacts
- Uses GitPython to manage local git repo for version history under the covers
Some example commands...
Sync all contacts for [email protected]
gcardvault sync [email protected]
Simply export contacts, do not save version history:
gcardvault sync [email protected] --export-only
See the CLI help for full usage and other notes.
docker run -it --rm \
-v ${HOME}/.gcardvault:/root/.gcardvault \
-v ${PWD}:/root/gcardvault \
rtomac/gcardvault sync [email protected]
pip install gcardvault
gcardvault sync [email protected]
The CLI initiates an OAuth2 authentication the first time it is run (interactive), and then uses refresh tokens for subsequent runs (headless).
When you use Gcardvault in its default configuration, you are authenticating with Google using Gcardvault's client ID. There is nothing inherently insecure about this, since the application is running locally and therefore only you will have access to the data it reads from Google.
That said, it's strongly recommended to create your own client ID through the Google API Console, since the shared client ID will be used by others and subject to limits which may cause unpredictable failures.
rclone has a good write-up on making your own client ID.
You can provide your client ID and secret to gcardvault as follows:
gcardvault sync [email protected] --client-id my_client_id --client-secret my_client_secret
Source repository:
make devenv
. ./.devenv/bin/activate
make build
make test
make run [email protected]
make release
See targets and variables in Makefile for more options.
MIT License