This sensor checks whether today is a day off from school or not. The sensor is divided into two types, elementary school and high school. In Israel, the vacation begins on 22.06 in high school, while in elementary school the vacation begins on 01.07. Therefore there is a separation that allows the creation of separate automations for a school type.
It's very useful if you set a input_bolean in HA cause you can make automation that set if is vacation or not.. example :
- id: Set_School_Mode_Off
alias: Set School Mode Off
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.school_is_elementary_vacation
to: 'True'
condition: []
- data:
entity_id: input_boolean.school_auto
service: input_boolean.turn_off
- First need to create folder "school_holidays" in your HomeAssistant config /custom_components folder
- Copy python file " , manifest.json , " to the HA config /custom_components/school_holidays/ folder.
- Now you need to add those lines in HA sensor.yaml (if you separates your configs file) / :
- platform: school_holidays
elementary_school: True
high_school: True
- is_high_vacation
- is_elementary_vacation
- summary
And if you want to use it with input_boolean here is the example to add to input_boolean.yaml file:
name: School Mode
icon: mdi:school
Or if all yours HA configuration in configurtion.yaml file , use this example:
- platform: school_holidays
elementary_school: True
high_school: True
- is_high_vacation
- is_elementary_vacation
- summary
name: School Mode
icon: mdi:school
elementary_school: get True when vacation and False if not high_school: get True when vacation and False if not
- in group.yaml:
name: "מצב לימודים"
view: no
- sensor.school_summary
- input_boolean.school_auto
- Or in ui-lovelace.yaml :
- type: entities
title: "בית ספר"
show_header_toggle: false
- sensor.school_summary
- input_boolean.school_auto
- All sensors icon already set , but you can always customize them..