raylib is a simple and easy-to-use game library, yet it lacks 2d drawing functions. raylib-drawing provides the functions that raylib lacks.
raylib-drawing is composed of two sub libraries:
- rdrawing.h 2d drawing library
- rturtle.h turtle graphics library
rdrawing.h provides many color definitions and basic 2d drawing functions:
The following program draw and fill a polygon interactively.
#include "../src/rdrawing.h"
#include <time.h>
int main() {
Image img=GenImageColor(800,600,WHITE);
int vx[200];
int vy[200];
int size=sizeof(vx)/sizeof(int);
int num=0;
while (!WindowShouldClose()) {
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT)) {
if (num<size) {
if (num>0)
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER)) {
for (int i=0;i<num;i++) {
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_C)) {
num = 0;
Texture2D texture = LoadTextureFromImage(img);
return 0;
Function | Usage |
ImageDrawPointEx | Draw a point to the image |
ImageDrawArcEx | Draw an ellipse arc to the image, using the provided line width and color |
ImageDrawLineEx | Draw a line to the image, using the provided line width and color |
ImageDrawPolylineEx | Draw a polyline to the image, using the provided line width and color |
ImageDrawRectangleEx | Draw a rectangle's outline to the image, using the provided line width and color |
ImageDrawRoundRectEx | Draw a rounded rectangle's outline to the image, using the provided line width and color |
ImageDrawCircleEx | Draw a circle's outline to the image, using the provided line width and color |
ImageDrawEllipseEx | Draw an ellipse's outline to the image, using the provided line width and color |
ImageDrawPolygonEx | Draw a polygon's outline to the image, using the provided line width and color |
ImageFillCircleEx | Fill a circle (no outline), using the provided fill color |
ImageFillEllipseEx | Fill an ellipse (no outline), using the provided fill color |
ImageFillTriangleEx | Fill a triangle (no outline), using the provided fill color |
ImageFillRectangleEx | Fill a rectangle (no outline), using the provided fill color |
ImageFillRoundRectEx | Fill a rounded rectangle (no outline), using the provided fill color |
ImageFillPolygonEx | Fill a polygon (no outline), using the provided fill color |
ImageFillSectorEx | Fill a ellipse sector (no outline), using the provided fill color |
ImageFloodFill | Do a flood fill (stop at the pixels has the border color) |
ImageDrawCubicBezierEx | Draw a cubic bezier curve to the image, using the provided line width and color |
ImageSetJoinStyle | Set line join style |
ImageGetJoinStyle | Get line join style |
rturtle.h is an animated turtle graphics library.
#include <rturtle.h>
int main() {
int n;
for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {
for (int j=0;j<4;j++) {
return 0;
It also provided some interactive functions while drawing:
- Press F2 toggle show/hide of auxilary grids.
- Press F3 toggle show/hide of the turtle.
- Press F5 Capture the screen.
Function | Usage |
initWorld | Init the turtle world window |
closeWorld | Destory the turtle world window |
forword / fd | Move the turtle forward |
backward / bk | Move the turtle backward |
leftTurn / lt | Turn the turtle's heading counter-clockwise (left) |
rightTurn / rt | Turn the turtle's heading clockwise (right) |
gotoXY | let the turtle move to (x,y) |
turnTo | turn the turtle's heading to angle |
faceXY | turn the turtle heading to (x,y) |
arc | Move the turtle to draw an arc |
clear | Clear the canvas but don't move the turtle |
clearScreen / cs | Clear the canvas and set the turtle back to the origin |
home | Move the turtle back to the origin, and heading to up |
waitClick | Pause the program, until window closed or mouse left-clicked |
penDown / pd | set the pen down |
penUp / pu | set the pen up (turtle's movement won't have tracks) |
setPenDown | set the pen's donw/up status |
isPenDown | query if the pen is down |
hide / show | hide/show the turtle |
setVisible | set the turtle's visibility |
isVisible | query if the turtle is visible |
setPenSize | set the pen's size |
getPenSize | get the pen's size |
setPenColor | set the pen's color |
getPenColor | get the pen's color |
setSpeed | set the turtle's move speed |
getSpeed | get the turtle's move speed |
setRewind | set if the turtle should rewind when hit borders |
isRewind | query if the turtle should rewind |
setImmediate | set if the turtle's moves should be animated |
isImmediate | query if the turtle's moves should be animated |
setXY | set the turtle's position to (x,y) |
setHeading | set the turtle's heading |
getX | get the turtle's position's x-coordination |
getY | get the turtle's position's y-coordination |
getAngle / getHeading | get the turtle's heading angle |
getState | get the turtle's state |
setState | set the turtle's state |
setOrigin | set the origin to (x,y) |
setCaption | set the window's caption |
setBackgroundImage | set the window's background image |
setBackgroundImageFile | Load image from the file, and set the window's background image to it |
setBackgroundColor | set the canvas's background color |
getBackgroundColor | get the canvas's background color |
createGrids | create auxilary grids |
removeGrids | remove auxilary grids |
beginFill / endFill | fill the polygon generated by turtle's move |
fill | flood fill (stop at pixels that has different color from the current pixel) |
fillToBorder | flood fill (stop at pixels that has the border color) |
drawPoint | draw a point |
drawLine | draw a line |
drawEllipse | draw an ellipse's outline |
fillEllipse | fill an ellipse |