LiveMint is an Indian financial daily newspaper published by HT Media, a Delhi-based media group which is controlled by the KK Birla family that also publishes Hindustan Times. It mostly targets readers who are business executives and policy makers. It has been in circulation since 2007.
This is the clone of which we have done during our Unit 3 construct week at Masai. We made this clone functional.
- Javascript
- User signup page and login page with data stored in local storage.
- Home page
- News pages
- Searchbar with Searched News
-HomePage is by Ayaz
-SignIn and Login is by Deepanshu
-MyAccount and Share is by Rovin
-NewsPage is by Manish -On clicking any of the news from homepage it will Redirect to NewsPage
-Searchbar and SearchNews by Shubham
- Ayaz
- Deepanshu
- Rovin
- Manish
- Shubham