various django-filer enhancements / bugfixes. Fair warning: parts of this package might not be best practiced or very efficient (that said, can cause performance issues!), but are implemented as we needed this functionality, and as filer development sometimes seems to stall, it is was implemented just to make it work. Part of this package might even get merged into filer (someday..).
This package provides sub applications, that can be installed individually, to only selecte the needed features.
an improved/oppiniated filer file and filer image field, a multiupload inline.
an improved/oppiniated filer change list, that contains uncropped, bigger thumbnails
can help avoid duplicates, will rename files on the filesystem if said to do so, and can put unfiled files in a default folder, to prevent permission issues.
various helpers: for now, generate folder/filenames for uploaded files (without folder/8-char simple uuid4/use db folder/year/year-month)