- Generic helper for creating table-grid views.
- The original idea comes from http://coryodaniel.com/index.php/2011/02/16/hamlburgerhelper-sets-the-table-easily-create-and-display-standard-tables-in-rails/ or http://dzone.com/snippets/hamlburger-helper-easily
- In Gemfile:
gem 'tablegrid', :git => 'https://github.com/rostchri/tablegrid.git'
- In application.js:
//= require tablegrid
- In application.css:
*= require tablegrid
- Haml
Assuming we have a model named game with some attributes (id, homecompetitor, guestcompetitor, result, created_at, updated_at) and we want to build a simple html-table
Content of games_helper.rb:
module GamesHelper # at first define the colums/attributes which will can be part of the table def game_cols cols = [:id] cols += [:homecompetitor,:guestcompetitor] cols += [:result] cols += [:created_at,:updated_at] end # the visibility of some attributes can be limited def games_col_visible {:col_visible => ->(col) { # users with role :masteradmin or :admin see all columns defined in game_cols, # other users will never see id, created_at, updated_at - columns role?(:masteradmin,:admin) ? true : ![:id,:created_at,:updated_at].include?(col) }} end # define the column-format. homecompetitor, guestcompetitor and result are more complex columns than id, # created_at, and update_at and need to be rendered as partials def games_cell_format {:cell_format => { :homecompetitor => ->(o,v,i) { render(:partial => "competitors/competitor", :object => o.homecompetitor)) unless v.nil?}, :guestcompetitor => ->(o,v,i) { render(:partial => "competitors/competitor", :object => v)) unless v.nil?}, :result => ->(o,v,i) { render :partial => "result/result", :object => v }, } } end # define games_grid-function which is used to render the actual table for a # collection of game-objects using the table_grid-function def games_grid(objects,paginator=nil) options = { :row_layout => game_cols, :paginator => paginator, :format_date => lambda{|datetime| l datetime, :format => :short}, # use a special date/time format :clickable_path => ->(obj) {resource_path(obj) if permitted_to?(:show, obj)}, :edit_action => ->(obj) {link_to twitter_image('icon-pencil'), edit_game_path(obj) if permitted_to? :edit}, :destroy_action => ->(obj) {button_to('', game_path(obj), :method => :delete, :class=>:delete, :confirm => t("Game.delete", :name => obj.name)) if permitted_to? :destroy}, }.merge(games_col_visible).merge(games_cell_format) table_grid(objects, options) end # define game_grid-function which is used to render the actual table # for a single game-object using the table_grid-function in vertical-layout def game_grid(object) options = { :row_layout => game_cols, :vertical => true, :caption => t("#{resource_class}.show", :title => object.name) , :format_date => ->(date) {l date, :format => :short_with_time}, }.merge(games_col_visible).merge(games_cell_format) table_grid([object],options) end end
Use the above helper in the index-action: Assuming that the Game-Controller is based on InheritedResources (collection = games-objects) and that kaminari is used for pagination. content of index.html.haml:
= games_grid(collection,paginate(collection))
Use the above helper in the show-action: Assuming that the Game-Controller is based on InheritedResources (resource = game-object) Content of show.html.haml:
= game_grid(resource)