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seth-mg committed Feb 6, 2019
2 parents 0f4bd79 + 4303bd8 commit 3186554
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Showing 37 changed files with 492 additions and 323 deletions.
262 changes: 131 additions & 131 deletions .eslintrc.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,131 +1,131 @@
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"jsx": true
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"env": {
"es6": true,
"node": true

"globals": {
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"navigator": false,
"window": false

"rules": {
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"window": false

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"yield-star-spacing": [1, "both"]
32 changes: 17 additions & 15 deletions .travis.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
language: node_js
- "6.3.0"
- "7.2.0"
- "8.0.0"
- npm install -g npm
- npm install grunt-cli -g
script: grunt
- secure: 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

language: node_js
- "6.15.1"
- "7.10.1"
- "8.14.0"
- "9.11.2"
- "10.14.1"
- "11.4.0"
- npm install -g npm
- npm install grunt-cli -g
script: grunt
- secure: 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